Update time!
Craws have been added as a trading race, and an attacking race on the bad guys side. They might also start wars with Piantas, which could potentially get interesting as they both show up in the same season...
Due to the difficulty in getting civilized creatures to stay in their respective alignment biomes, Nimbus Landers and Star Sprites have not been added. However, Good-aligned mountain biomes will experience occasional rains of shooting stars, which will give intelligent creatures the ability to 'wish', increasing one or more randomly-picked stats each week, and has a small chance of resurrecting deceased creatures. Be warned that this bonus also applies to your enemies!
All races in Adventure Mode are now playable as members of their respective civs, and human Outsiders have been added to the list (no human civ added yet, unless you're still playing with the vanilla entities).
Cooking reactions, which now include pasta-making, egg-frying, and cake-baking, will actually work now, aside from the issue of consuming whole stacks for each reaction (which is just the way DF works). Fortunately you should get out of the reaction as much as goes into it, with the exception of Surprise Cake.
Drawing inspiration from the seasonal crops mod, some of the more powerful powerup plants can now be grown over a period of several seasons. To grow these valuable plants, plant them in their proper season, and then make sure that nothing is set to grow in subsequent seasons until their harvest time (otherwise, your citizens will destroy them to plant the new crops, wasting the seeds). Super Mushrooms and Super Bushes are planted in the Spring and harvested in the Autumn, while Fire Flowers (and their new tropical variant, Fire Tulips) are planted in the Winter and harvested in the Summer. Simpler food plants can still be grown in short periods.
More varieties of plants can be used for flour and sugar: Flour can now be obtained from wheat, rice, or iced potatoes, while sugar comes from sugar beets (in temperate regions) or sugar cane (in tropical regions). Hopefully this will lower the chances of being stuck without access to one of these resources.
Whackas (finally) will yield edible bumps when hit in the head, which must then be knocked off of the Whacka with another attack. They die without leaving regular corpses, so you'll have to harvest the bumps while the Whacka is still alive. You wouldn't do such a horrible thing, though, would you? Not even when a Whacka Bump is not only an excellent powerup food, but sells for a value of 800 apiece? Ha ha...good luck finding one, though!
Some new creatures and plants have been added too. Let's see... Blarggs, Burts, Beanlets, Clefts, Dayzees, Ravens, Tap-Taps, Unagis, Strawberries, Mega Mushrooms, probably some more things...
You might find some interesting objects underground, too... keep an eye out for buried treasures!