Yeah, that's the gist of it. Strength and fatness are separate from the body's natural outline itself.
You should know that the system is bugged, too. LENGTH and HEIGHT multiply each other wrong in the equation. Creatures that have both defined (pretty much everything that's got four legs) find that almost all possible combinations of sizes end up displayed as "gigantic" no matter what. The size itself is fine in the background, the description just lies.
Ah, good to know. Thanks! Guess that means just setting all the numbers to the highest as to ensure I get the body size of my drogoth race to be the same every time, also makes it easier to modify them ingame later on. But, wait.. what's with the fatness? The way I've understood is that broadness just makes the body broad and not fat, last time I got a fat description it didn't say anything about broadness. Ugh, confused yet again.
EDIT: Just set ALL of the BODY_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER numbers from lowest to highest to be at the numbers I want them to be. Rendered the randomization of the character useless!
Says 'gigantic with incredible muscles' every time! Now to test the broadness by setting all the LENGTH and HEIGHT to 100-105.
EDIT2: Bleh, not sure what will give that broadness tag in the description at this point but meh, seems to make my character sprint slower so I toned the BROADNESS down to 112 and HEIGHT and LENGTH to 110. At least now it says "Large for a drogoth (fe)male". Now to figure out what calculations it adds to the body size as I want an exact number of the body size as what sort of number it calculates/adds to the default body size 120,650 of a Drogoth.
EDIT3: So I'm using the previous method which is 120650 x 100% and I get 120650 so I add 10 + 10 + 12 (broadness) = 32 to that 100 and it's 159258 and when broadness at 25 it's 174942.5 ..YIKES! no wonder it slows a Drogoth down.
EDIT4: Nope! A non-muscular drogoth without any skills weights 237 ...237,000!??
What the!? Just tested it in the arena by strangling one. So I've decided to change CHANGE_BODY_SIZE_PERC from 254 to 164 thus making my race weight about 152 to somewhat match what tigerman weighs (150-160). Add some muscles and I guess I can call it a day.
Final edit: DERP! I'm forgetting about my drogoth's muscle and bone density. Anyway some results are in with CHANGE_BODY_SIZE_PERC:
204% = 160 (ingame weight) - Large non-muscular default density lynxified Drogoth
204% = 189 (ingame weight) - Large non-muscular modded density lynxified Drogoth
One of the tigermen was about 164+ something weight so yeah, I think I can call it a day. It's just that something still doesn't add up how can my race weight 160 with unmodded density and yet going by the average calculations of 47500 (default lynx man size) x 204% = 96,900... I just don't get it. I think I'm gonna just make it easy for myself and make that non-spawning lynx-demon creature of mine the exact body size of a tiger so my Drogoth is bound to be the exact size as a tigerman but just 2-5 numbers broader from the maximum and delete CHANGE_BODY_SIZE_PERC thing from CREATURE:DROGOTH.
Final edit .2: Agh, I decided to do this for the regular tiger and tiger man: (225000 + 70000)/2 = 147,500... I'm gonna get a bloody migraine! Going by that I've got this all wrong and so has the bloody wiki! What the actual fuck!?! Is it 147,500 for tigerman or 120,000!??? *brainbleed* Ya see, that's why I hate math. Anyway my brain is on the fritz for now.