You know in 2012, there is no orignal idea. Everything that is 'new' is acually 'old' just modified. And I thought Regeneration was orginal, then I hear someone has the very same thing that I just put in. All we can do now is "perfect" what was done, Even if GWG made a mod straight from his head. Every creature and thing is something he thought up. I'm sure it would be helpful if say he took a rather large reaction and tweaked it, rather then writing it all out.
And to support my point about new being old. Eminem's " Like Toy Soldiers" is simply some of his rap with Martika's "Toy Soldiers". Some song called "Turn Around 1,2,3,4,5" uses a beat from "Oh Yeah" by Yellow and Ke$ha's "Take it off" uses the "Snake Charmer's" beat
Darksiders, and God of War/Heavenly sword is the same shit different pile.
Even warhammer 40k the Terminator squad for the Space Marines use a gun called "Double Fire" from a game called Incubation by Bluebyte. I bet the creators of that game never even heard of Incubation.
BTW just heard a song on the radio that was basically a modernized version of the song at the end of "Beetlejuice" (the song also plays in a few other parts of the movie as well, but it is used to close the movie before the credits).
Also Im still gunning for a LOTR, or maybe something from David Ward's 'Escape the Mask' (Westerners, Spears (kindof viking roman slavers), and the slaves (captured westerns)). Or maybe Doom, that would be cool to play are mars, setup a base. and defend it from hell with your marines.