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Author Topic: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 10! Spots open!)  (Read 33621 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Alex looked at Theo along time before finally saying, "Somethings returning, something terrible, I can feel it. We need to get out of here as fast as possible. The...thing in the tsunami feels terrfyling famliar."
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Turiel picked up the transceiver with a curious look on his face.

"Everything is alright, Command. All systems are a go.

But I've spotted something of an Earthquake nearby at the location designated. If there was a Richter scale on board, I would notice. All contained within a strange dust cloud spreading through the forest adjacent to it.

Shall I attempt a close up, Command?"

Relay find, request if I can get nearer with my aircraft. Try to discern what or where the anomaly is coming from and if there is anything behind it. Figuratively.

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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EDIT: Annnd of course it posts itself before I'm finished. False alarm! Nothing was lost, fortunately.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Turn 1

"I am worried about today, how can you be so confident about such an ancient and terrible evil stirring, I could probably break you right now if I wanted, and I am still mostly human, but this is not something that I have not yet said a hundred times"

"Sophie, there you are, how are you feeling today"

Calla forces herself to calm down, the combination of Impending doom and her own power increasing, making her fidgety and she was already weird enough without her hair moving of it's own accord

[4] - The faintest flicker of - shock? fear? - on Captain Stirling's face is the only sign that she's surprised by your words.

'You shouldn't be talking like that, Calla. The prophecies have foretold our victory,' she says, smiling at some memory. ''And yet shall the soul of humanity stand fast and repulse the Doom of Atlantis as They rise from the depths.' Think of what we can learn from these beings once we've won!'

So you were right - the Return is already on the horizon. How much, you wonder as a bout of anxiety grips you, how many days of blissiful ignorance remain?

You don't dignify Stirling with a response. There are others you're much more keen of talking to.

Sophie smiles when she sees you, her eternal, loving smile. You don't answer how one person can contain so much compassion and empathy, no matter her faults. Sometimes it annoys you to no end - but she's the only family you've got. And recognizable as such, though your... unique ancestry manifests somewhat differently in her. Her 'hair' was similar to yours when she was young, but you barely remember those times. The Fellowship cut it off, for whatever reason. She still hasn't fully recovered, patches of fleshy, purple nubs and proto-hair only barely hiding the scars from view.

'Hello, Calla. I am feeling fine, thank you,' she says, glancing at Doctor Murdoch at her side. She's dressed in similar robes, sticking out in the group. 'Doctor Murdoch? You were saying?'

The greying scientist glances at his feet uneasily. 'Actually, my dear, I think we ought to go now. There are preparations to make, sacred  oils, symbols, all that sort of thing.'

Sophie nods. 'I understand. Calla, please meet me upstairs before the ritual. I... have something to tell you.'

With that, the pair of them leave without as much as a goodbye and stomp off into the depths of the complex. You're left standing alone in the corridor, with Captain Stirling and Doctor Milic hovering nearby, the former looking like she'd want to rant more on the Prophecy. The latter is looking at one of the TV screens, set to display atmospheric pressure and temperature outside. A few people shuffle past you and head on upstairs.

Spoiler: wolfchild (click to show/hide)

Alex Vondgas
Alex looked at Theo along time before finally saying, "Somethings returning, something terrible, I can feel it. We need to get out of here as fast as possible. The...thing in the tsunami feels terrfyling famliar."

There's a moment of silence after your proclamation. Then one of the junior agents lets out a burst of nervous laughter.

'Don't be ridiculous, Alex, you're just imagining things. I say we-' he starts, but Theo stops him by placing a muscled arm on the other's shoulder.

'Shut up,' Theo says. 'The boy knows what he's talking about. Greyson told me this might happen. But not this soon, damnit, no this soon. We're not ready...' he trails off. The other agents stare at him with dawning understanding and horror. Nobody says anything for a moment, and you realize you can't hear anything aside from the ocean - the birds and animals have all gone silent.

'Alright. Take us back to the beach. We need to get you two into a safe location,' Theo finally says. The yacht lurches onwards again, out from the cover of the rocky island.

You don't object, though you feel like reminding them they're in much greater danger than you two. Lucia grips the railing tighter, her eyes fearful. One of the agents is moving over to comfort her when the second earthquake hits.

Everything happens so fast. The cliif behind you shudders and crumbbles, heavy stone sliding into the waters you were at just moments before. The boat is thrown hard to the left, drinking water. Lucia screams, but the noise is lost in the roar of shaking earth and collapsing stone. You keep your hold on the railing, the metal twisting and bending in your superhuman grasp, and turn your head up just in time to see it.

The waters seem to recede and fall in the middle of the sea, rushing in to fill a hole. The boat is pulled away by it, the agent in charge of piloting the thing barely avoiding a collision with the breaking cliffs. And then...

Brilliant glittering coral of all colours, a smooth, inter-woven shell of small rocks fused together, sand and base rock, glistening organic matter. The Titan emerges to the surface resembling a gigantic, hard-backed manta ray in the horizon, atleast three hundred meters from head to back. Your eyes take this all in in seconds, but it takes your brain a moment longer to understand what this means.

The Titan's jewel-like skin scatters sunlight over the coast. A 'holy shit!' from one of the agents tells you they noticed it too as the boat begins stabilizing.

You waste minutes captivated by the sheer mythical beauty of the creature, letting the boat drift in its wake. It surges in and out of water, creating waves that batter the hull of your yacht, letting out a long, reveberating sound of sheer primordial joy.

The strange scene is then broken by the roar of helicopter rotors. You look up to see two black helicopters rapidly descend, disrupting the waves. This snaps everyone of their stupor. Theo is the first to act.

'Get us out of here, now. This is not good,' he orders, drawing his pistol.

The first of the choppers turns and heads towards the Titan. The second, however, turns and heads straight for you. [4] The presence of the actual Titan is overwhelming your senses, but you know with strange certainty there's something more than human inside that chopper.

Spoiler: mcclay (click to show/hide)

"Everything is alright, Command. All systems are a go.

But I've spotted something of an Earthquake nearby at the location designated. If there was a Richter scale on board, I would notice. All contained within a strange dust cloud spreading through the forest adjacent to it.

Shall I attempt a close up, Command?"

Relay find, request if I can get nearer with my aircraft. Try to discern what or where the anomaly is coming from and if there is anything behind it. Figuratively.

'We'll keep that in mind, Operative. Who knows, maybe you'll need to go earthquake-hunting in the near-future,' the voice says, as a joke. You're not so sure.

[1] You fire up your long-range systems and struggle with the complicated arrays of panels and displays. You've been trained to fly, sure, but you're no professional.

Below, you can see the dust cloud spreading as you move closer. Just as you think it's about to dissipate, there's another shuder - you can feel the KOSCHEI shift ever-so-slightly - and a veritable explosion of dry, grassless plain billows up. The dust cloud races up and you pull up as not to get caught in it, though you realize you could most likely keep it all out with your Field.

You bring the plane back around in a wide arc, assuring Ark Command you're fine. And then, of course, it happens for a third time.

You feel the earthquake, this high up in the air. Your Nexus Field twists and buckles, but even so, you have to fight for control of the plane. More than that, you hear the quake, a roar of crumbling soil and crack of splitting earth. Glancing beneath, you see an entire chunk of forest slide down and be swallowed by the earth. Where there were cracks is now and open rift, spreading quickly. How is this possible? You don't have time to describe it to Command, however - that's when the earth itself rises and stands.

The ground beneath you seems to effortlessly gain features and a body in the blink of an eye, the jagged rifts detaching a vast humanoid form from the Siberian plain, lying on its back. You thunk yourself on the side of your helmet to make sure you're not seeing things. The packed earth solidifies even more, shifting without any visible source.

'Operative? Please come in. Our equipment is going crazy. What can you tell us?'

Then the Titan opens its vast, cyclopean eye, blood-red and bearing down on you with the weight of millenia. Its mouth opens, and a thundering, ageless roar slams into the steppe, shatters your Nexus Field and shuts down your engine, sending the KOSCHEI screaming into a death spiral towards the now-broken steppe.


Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

Alexei Zielkov and 'Doctor' Erik Tourigny
Alexei's eyes stay half-closed as he pays attention to any signs of vigilance, being careful to avoid wasting their only chance.

He sends one of his team to place a breach charge and destroy the large doors' lock, using the element of surprise to fling a flashbang inside and roll to cover inside the building, the rest of the team in tow.
"Hmm,let's see if they are up to.."
Erik motions his squad to stay back and reaches for the cultists mind. He seeps the sleeping suggestion into the man subconscious and tries to pry any information about the warehouse interior and cultists inside.

[5+2=6] - Only a gentle mental touch from Erik is required, and the cultist immediately collapses into a deep sleep, banging his head on the walkway railing. The hybrid begins digging through his mind, snatching memories and thoughts before his dream-state muddles them. He - Yuri Gologov, harbor worker-slash-cultist, 38 years of age, wife and a daughter - was nervous. They were starting the ritual, and he had to get outside the clear his head. All these people dead to whet the leader's apetite, in preparation for this day. He's fuzzy on the specifics, so Erik snatches a map of the warehouse from his head and lets him sleep. The majority of the cultists are gathered in the altar chamber, behind the main warehouse space the cargo door leads to. Alexei's team will strike straight into the offices on the other side.

Trusting his companion to be doing what he does best, Alexei orders one of his men to breach the door. They're lacking a charge, unfortunately, but the doors aren't locked anyhow.

[3] Agent Zelenko sends the doors flying with a well-placed kick, and you're ready with a flashbang. The small cylinder tumbles into a wide corridor, and you wrench yourself away from it. There's a rewarding scream, and you storm in with your squad.

A heavily-built man in a janitor's overalls staggers into view, holding his face. Agent Zelenko tackles him and slams him to the floor. Another agent moves to assist, and in an eyeblink they've forced restraints on him. They stand up, pistols at the ready, and you address them quickly.

'Moscow wants no extra bodies, so only fire when fired upon,' you say. It's what the Council told you, but you suppose the order did come from Moscow. 'If there are civilians here-'

You're cut off by three violent cracks in rapid succession, [3][1][4][1] and catch a wild-eyed cultist running in with an automatic pistol, firing at you and Agent Mihailov. [Dodge:4+1+1=6][Dodge:6+1+1-1=6] Both shots whizz past you, [Dodge:4+1+1=6] and Mihailov drops into a crouch the moment he hears footsteps.

[1, 6, 6, 2, 2] Zelenko and Kaminski return fire at once, [Dodge:3-1=2][Dodge:3-1=2] their standard-issue pistols hissing. The cultist topples over, hit [BP:5][BP:3] in the leg and the arm. [Damage:4+3-3=4][Damage:4+3-3=4] He screams, slamming hard on his back to the floor, pistol still in grip.

Shouts and running steps come from behind the corner. There's little cover in this corridor.

Combatants (The Offices)
Spoiler: Enemies (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Friendlies (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Caellath (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Watchman (click to show/hide)

Alfonz Wulfric
Alfonx jumped up as he saw the bubbling in the water, and yelled "Stop the plane! Don't take off, theirs something wrong with the engine!" Whatever this feeling was it wasn't good, it felt completely wrong, and he had the feeling whatever it wasn't good. With that said he ran towards the cockpit, and began banging on the door "Somethings wrong with the engines! Stop the plane!

Go beat at the cockpit, and tell them to stop the plane. If they don't do it in 60 seconds break the door down, and tell them to stop the plane/or force them to

You're up on your feet and rushing up the lenght of the plane before anyone can react. The plane shudders and jerks as it bounces along the runway, and you have to hold on to the walls to stay upright. Fellow passengers shout you to sit back down, to calm down, or simply screaming something about terrorists. You pass into a mid-way space between business class and the cockpit, occupied by sitting flight attendants.

'There's something wrong with the engine! You have to stop the plane!' you shout as one of the stewards stands up in your path. He places a hand on your shoulder.

'Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. There is nothing wrong with the engine. This plane has been thorougly checked beforehand. Please sit down immediately.'

Useless! Useless! You throw the man aside, but you can feel the plane accelerating around you, racing towards the end of the runway. You push past the surprised attendants and slam your fists down on the thick doors separating the cockpit from the rest of the plane. The metal bends inwards under your might, and one of the stewardesses screams.

[4] An attendant attempts to wrest you away, but you send him flying with a backhand. At the same time, the plane takes off. You lose your balance and fall backwards, sliding down on the airplane floor.

[1] You can't see outside, but the thing in the back of your mind roars at the familiarity of what's happening. You hear screams from the passengers, pointing outside. Then everything goes black in a storm of noise and heat.

Breaking the bubbling water surface with force that sends tidal waves to once again assault the city, a Mother of the Deep rises into New Orleans harbor, thick black shell glistening in the morning sun. A diamond-shaped, curved crest comes into view first, blinking with thousands of lights. It's followed by a pair of enormous claw-like appendages that, with slow, ponderous movements, rise and dig through the Lakefront runway. The rest of the monster's body - atleast a kilometre in height- remains underwater, and the slit-like openings at the bottom of the crest are left straight at water level. Letting out a reveberating, high-pitched shriek, the Deep One opens its 'mouths' and releases its spawn into the outside world.

The battle of New Orleans begins.

[5] You are lucky, in a regard. Flight DY353 is caught head-on by the tsunami caused by the Great Mother surfacing. The impact rips off both wings and a good half of the right-side wall - taking you with it. Of course, those without your superhuman endurance are killed instantly, or when they hit the ground. The rest of the passengers meet another fate, as the remains of the plane rush through the tsunami and crash into the rising crest, [5][Damage:3-2=1] exploding against it without any visible effect.

You are submerged in the tsunami wave, and carried along until it reaches the Airport itself. There you smash into the collapsing wall, [Focus BP:4][Damage:3-1=2][Other Damages:1-1-1=1/6-1-1=4/5-1-1=3/3-1-1=1/5-1-1=3] for a whole lot of pain.

Letting the water wash over you and carry you onward until you bump into a sturdier metal pillar, you stand up in the ruins of Terminal 1, Lakefront Airport. In the distance, behind the rapidly-crumbling runway, something you'd judge to be atleast six hundred meters tall, with more of its body hidden underwater, unleashes a strange noise. A few moments later, you spot movement all around the bottom of its crest.

Around you, in the half-submerged building, you see bodies and wounded. The walls look to be near-collapse, and groan uncomfortably. You can't really feel anything at the death and destruction yet; shock, most likely.

Torso: Moderately Wounded!
Right Arm: Slightly Wounded!
Left Arm: Minor Bruise!
Left Leg: Slightly Wounded!

Spoiler: adwarf (click to show/hide)
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Alexei dashes to the corner, throws the flashbang around it and shoots if any hostiles are encountered.

((Can I have the "trained agent" perk?))
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 11:56:03 am by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wyvern Buddy
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"I am going to go talk to the one person here who actually treats me like a person" Calla then turns in the right direction and heads upstairs, not caring whether or not Sophie is there yet, the arrogance of these people, you don't care how well prepared someone is, this is NOT something to be looking forward to
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Turiel picked up the transceiver again while holding the throttle, desperate to stabilize the Jet and return to safe cruising speed. He then tries to issue a Mayday signal back to the base, describing in brief what he's seeing.

If, for whatever reason, I cannot gain control of the plane. Hit the Eject button.

If there is no eject button, Activate Field Booster and switch Nexus Field to Regenerative.

Examine Titan while I fly downwards.


  • Bay Watcher
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"Alright, i'm going first. Cover me." Erik rushes through the door before the agents and gives up on suppressing his aura as soon as he's inside.

(( Hmm, will the terror aura will also have effect on my allies ? Not that it changes my action :P ))

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Oh yes. You bastard.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Use my life force to improve my speed, and make my way outside to fend off the Great Mother until help arrives.

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Hrngh. mcclaaaaaaay!

Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wyvern Buddy
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Hrngh. mcclaaaaaaay!

It's off the front page, so I'l bump it for ya
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
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The worst part is that I came up with a great idea for a hybrid/imprisoned right after getting my ass inside a "weak" genetically-enhanced soldier. Screw you my muse, screw you.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
    • View Profile

((see my sig.))

Alex yells at Theo, "We've got company,the...people in those helos are not human, well, mostly not human. Imma yell at the Titain and seeif it can bugger off or something. If that doesn't work we need to book it!" Alex scrambles to the front of the boat, fighting agianst the waves. He taps into the Fae to try to be able to to use the speech of the Titians he yells at the monster. "Hey! Hey you! If you could take out those helicopters and then go to sleep agian that would be awesome. If you don't want to go back to bed can you at least bugger off and have sex with a coral reef or something?"
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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EDIT: Christ, what is wrong with this keyboard? Accidental post AGAIN. Looks like this will be a popular theme. Again, nothing was lost.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!
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