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Author Topic: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 10! Spots open!)  (Read 33589 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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^^The world is doomed.

Those are very interesting sheets. I wonder what:
Well, my second option was a noir detective. I can try my hand at it.
While cool, you wouldn't last two turns.

this meant?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 09:38:50 am by Tiruin »


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It was between a horrible monstrosity spewing thousands of abominable insects from its maw or a possibly more horrible tentacle demon.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Digital Hellhound

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'While you were posting, 3 new replies, etc etc'

Wonderful app, Toaster. I am writing the first turn right now, but it might take a while. I just finished wolfchild and realized I am a great alien monstrosity that spews forth walls of text like no tomorrow. Hell, I'll probably break the character limit. Oh god.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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'...spews forth walls of text like no tomorrow. Hell, I'll probably break the character limit. Oh god.
40,000 characters of pure fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Thanks!  I enjoyed writing it (probably a bit more than I should have.)

You know it's a good Eldritch Horror RTD when the mod himself is an Eldritch Horror!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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You also know you are a bit safer when a player gives up on creating a tentacle monster.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Or just sent it by PM so we can be shocked and terrified later. [/paranoia]

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Okay, terribly sorry, but I'm going to take a short break to get inspirational juices back up and running and to study for my exam. I've written only 3 characters, and have over 2000 words. Dear god.

It's magnificent, though, all of it. MAGNIFICENT.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Turn 0


45 minutes to the Awakening.
Acucar I4 Offshore Drilling Platform, 12 kilometres off the Coast of Brazil.
Headquarters of the Lemurian Fellowship.

Closing the hood of your ceremonial robes, you as always pause to study yourself from the dull, scratched mirror in your quarters. You've gone too long without maintenance to your looks. The dye of your 'hair' is cracked and gone all across its lenght, revealing glistening purple and black beneath. It's noticeable enough as it is, nearly to your waist. Your attempts to put it up in a ponytail or somesuch have all been met with pain and frustration, making your head look like a nest of snakes as it tries to straighten out.

It would help if you knew if they were intending to let you out anytime soon. The self-appointed 'heirs of Atlantis' you've lived nearly your entire life in the service of have never shown great care to your personal comfort. The staff and guards are, for the most part, averse to talking with you. Atleast you have Sophie, and the Site B freaks they bring around every now and then.

You know today's the day for something big, and something to do with your sister. You've barely seen Sophie in the last few days, and she's been uncharacterically silent about the whole thing. More than that, you've felt your own power grow by the day, your resistance to pain rising to even more superhuman levels, your second sight becoming clearer and more potent. When you've previously only felt the distant echoes of thoughts, swimming around people's minds, now they lay wide open, practically begging to be peeked into. You know it's not a good thing. You have no particular interest in seeing the Return, no matter how confident the old men are in their ability to 'repulse the Doom of Atlantis'.

Well. Time to go. You pass outside the imaginary safety of your rooms and make your way down the humid metal corridor. Oil rigs haven't exactly been designed for comfort, and despite the Fellowship's take-over, it remains a bleak place to live. You pass a few acolytes and Fellowship staff, who, you notice, haven't had to put on their own robes. They avoid your gaze - even more than usual, you realize.

You enter the wide second level main corridor, emblazoned with Fellowship insignia - an open hand breaking through waves - and, in delightful contrast, large modern TV screens fixed to news reports and Fellowship feeds. Open air and sunlight floods in through stairs to the top level. Guards and more staff mill around, and you spot Sophie, Doctor Murdoch and other familiar faces talking at their bottom. Captain Stirling, responsible for the defense of this place, nods and steps towards you when she spots you.

'Hello, Calla. Are you excited about today?' she asks, beaming. Behind her friendly eyes, a complex machinery of layers and layers of misdirection and mental conditioning await to block casual mind-reading and surprise attacks.

Spoiler: wolfchild (click to show/hide)

Alex Vondgas

10 minutes to Awakening.
Greyson Foundation Luxury Yacht, Coast of Thailand.
On-going Foundation pleasure cruise.

Lucia giggles as the yacht bounces onward, bright water splashing over the top. The vibrant tropical coast around you flashes past in bursts as the yacht jumps forward on the crest of the waves, cliffs bursting with vivid green vegetation rising from the sea, the waters bright, almost transparent, and the sky blue. You came along to be out of the Greyson Foundation facility back home, but you have to admit the place is pretty spectacular. And as the Foundation is paying everything, there's little reason to worry.

Lucia seems to think so, as well. The darling of the Foundation, who they believe is the distant spawn of the 'goddess' Aylit that Greyson started the whole thing for, she's more pampered and protected than any rich and priviledged kid in existence. You live a life of comfort as well - atleast compared to what would've awaited you had they not approached you - but it's nothing compared to the attention she receives. Maybe it's for the best.

The Foundation agents with you are as edgy as always, recognizable as bodyguards even out of their suits and armor. Four of them in the yacht with you, and two more waiting at the hotel, all of them trained professionals. It's a wonder they let you out with this little protection, really.

You watch their informal leader, Theo, grasping the railing with one hand and talking in a low voice to someone through his phone. Stretching your senses, you think you can make out what's he's saying - you've been getting more and more powerful lately, even though you retain your high level of control over the Fae.

'...if you're sure, sir. We'll return to the hotel and book a flight home as soon as she's had her fill. She won't like it, though,' he says. 'Yes, I know, sir. I'll try.'

There's a low, distant rumble from the north, on the edge of hearing. The agent pauses. 'I'm sorry, sir, I'm getting some interference. Can you rep-'

He's cut short by a earthshaking rumble and shudder, returning from the north. The yacht shakes and nearly tips over, sending everyone grasping for the railings. You see rocks and soil splash down from the cliffs, cracks appearing in the stone. Then it's over, just as quickly as it began. Theo loosens his grip on the railing, peering into the water.

'Was that an earthquake? Is everyone alright?'

You feel strange. Something... stirs in the back of your mind.

'Shit! Look at those waves! Get us behind the cliffs before we get capsized!' one of the agents shouts, pointing. You look to see a barrier of high waves appear in the horizon - no tsunami, but still fairly dangerous. The yacht accelerates, diving into safety behind the nearest cragged pillar of stone. Just before the horizon is hidden behind a wet cliff-face, you see - or sense - something terrifyingly familiar in the distance, beneath the ocean surface.

'Alright. I think that's it,' the agent says after a while. 'That was... odd. Alex, are you okay? You look pretty pale.'

Spoiler: mcclay (click to show/hide)


10 minutes to Awakening.
Raduzhnyy Facility, Western Siberia
Headquarters of the Ark Projekt

'All primary systems check out. Moving vessel to launch tube,' the static-distorted voice says into your ear. You feel faint tremors as the KOSCHEI is carried forward by the system rails, the sound of servos whirring and clicking penetrating into the cockpit.

'Vessel in position. Disengaging mag-locks. Awaiting engine ignition.'

More clicks and humming. Harsh artificial light spills into the cockpit, and you work the control panel as you've trained to these past months. The engines awaken with a roar. You can feel their heat at their back.

'Proceeding. Field booster online,' he continues. You feel light-headed as always. In a moment, your consciousness flashes wide, your weak Field boosted to envelope the entire craft. Somewhat blockier and less manoueverable than a basic Russian fighter due to the extra machinery, you're supposed to compensate with a defensive field.

'Opening launch tube. Prepare for countdown. Releasing manual control.'

The cockpit around you lights up, and you let your hands fall to the controls. The sturdy helm and mask feel uncomfortable on your face, digging into your jawline.

'Three... two...' the voice seems to become more distant, like a whisper. 'One. KOSCHEI is in the air.'

The world explodes into view. You stabilize the aircraft, and take a moment to appreciate the bleak beauty of the sprawling Siberian landscape. The facility, two grey blotches in the tundra, disappears quickly. Townships and hamlets dot the region. A river snakes across the plains.

'I am in the air. All systems in the green,' you make the required statement, and bring up the required test order. The plane is still a prototype, and you had to convince the Projekt staff to allow you to take it up for a few tries. The first test went well, and you have no reason to doubt this won't too. Your... work with Ark Projekt has been good so far. Some of the brightest minds of the generation, holed up here in the Siberian wastes to ensure humanity's survival, long-forgotten by Moscow.

You spend the next few minutes running tests and exercices, enjoying the feeling of flight through the open air. A power once reserved only for older beings. Humanity has come a long way.

'Err...' the voice cuts in, again. 'Operative Turiel, please abort testing and head twenty kliks west. We're getting some odd readings there. Probably nothing, but it'll let us test the long-range scanners.'

You do as ordered, and turn the craft hard left, feeling the winds battering against your Nexus Field. To the west is more forest and tundra, with the occasional village and larger town. Ill-maintained paved roads connect these settlements across the wind-swept plains.

The first thing that catches your attention is a dust cloud, sweeping into the forests. Zooming in, you can make out a sizeable crack in the earth nearby. The packed soil around it begins to crumble as you watch. Hmm - an earthquake, here?

'What can you tell us, Operative? Is everything working alright?'


Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

Alexei Zielkov and 'Doctor' Erik Tourigny

15 minutes to Awakening.
Vladivostok, eastern tip of Russia.
Warehouse 59, Harbor District.

Alexei Zielkov moves into cover behind the Council agents, taking up positions on both sides of the main doors. They move in silence, years of experience and training showing their mark. Standing tall over the others, with an intimidating muscular bulk, the superhuman is a giant of a man. Hardened, genetically-engineered skin and specialized cells give him strenght beyond any other.

The warehouse he's about to lead a co-ordinated attack into is, according to the latest details, the headquarters of a cult of some kind, with confirmed Ancient knowledge and/or technology. They're responsible for over a dozen disappearances - and, likely, deaths - over the past month. The kidnappings have only increased in pace during the last week, and all signs point to something big happening soon. The Council took the liberty of bringing in a non-Russian, a Swiss 'biologist' who Alexei could instantly tell was no more human than he was. Estimates on cult strenght place it around thirty or more, fanatical but ill-armed and unskilled.

Erik Tourigny leads another team of agents, two of them, to come in through the back door. They don't question his lack of weaponry or unseeming appearance. He waits for the go signal impatiently.

Then, his enchanced senses pick up the cling of metal on metal. He motions his agents to the shadows as a cultist walks into the walkway going around the building on the level of the second floor, and begins pulling out a cigarette. Erik can sense his mind, open to the wind, begging to be touched. One of his agents gives him a questioning look, half-drawing his gun.


Spoiler: Caellath (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Watchman (click to show/hide)

Alfonz Wulfric

3 minutes to Awakening.
Runway, New Orleans Lakefront Airport.
DRU Airlines DY353 flight to New York.

'Sir, I must ask you to stay in your seat. We will be taking off in a few short minutes,' the flight stewardess says to the man ahead of you. You twist uneasily in your seat. You're headed for New York because you've been offered a job that would apparently suit your... unique talents. You assume it's a government job, no doubt some long-buried secret division.

You suppose being anxious is natural, but you've been uneasy all day. And you're certainly not natural, though you are faintly aware you are not the only one of your kind.

The man in front of you - drunk, the idiot - calms down and the stewardess heads back for the cockpit. You look out of the window, following the runway as it stretches out towards the waters with your gaze. Deep breaths, deep breaths. You close your eyes, and wait.

Soon enough, the plane begins rolling forward. But you only seem to be feeling more and more unsettled by every passing second. You open your eyes, and see the first sign, going unnoticed by all these humans without your enchanced senses.

Out by the lake, the water bubbles. The air seems to ripple and twist, like trying to break free of reality. In the back of your mind, a distant voice begins screaming; run, run, you fool!

'Prepare for take-off. The air is clear, and...' the captain's voice begins, but you barely hear it. The plane turns on the runway, and begins making its way towards the bubbling waters, towards the place radiating with sheer wrongness.

Spoiler: adwarf (click to show/hide)


This must be the only game where a trait called 'Genesculpted Superman' INCREASES the damage you take.

Alexei's and Erik's segment flows badly, blame it on the shift from 'you' to 'he'.

Whaddya mean, walls of text? I don't see any. They're... fences, really. 3071 words only.

I'll be glad to ask any questions you will have. Like about damages; no, Alexei's gun and the KOSCHEI cannons do not do the same amount of damage. They work on different scales; the KOSCHEI does Ancient damage, small arms do Shackled-scale damage. And point out the mistakes I've made, too.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:30:23 pm by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Alexei's eyes stay half-closed as he pays attention to any signs of vigilance, being careful to avoid wasting their only chance.

He sends one of his team to place a breach charge and destroy the large doors' lock, using the element of surprise to fling a flashbang inside and roll to cover inside the building, the rest of the team in tow.

((No resistance against mental attacks or terror? I am regretting picking this character over the noir detective, at least he would go insane with style.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.

Digital Hellhound

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((No resistance against mental attacks or terror? I am regretting picking this character over the noir detective, at least he would go insane with style.))

Aha, but it says +1 Damage from ALL attacks. That includes mental. The normal-human Squishy Organic trait gives +3 to all Damage, so that's why it counts as resistance. These traits and guns are pretty weird, but it's to fit when the scale is focused on the Shackled, and humies and their small arms are not really effective against demigods and walking horror-prisons.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Alfonx jumped up as he saw the bubbling in the water, and yelled "Stop the plane! Don't take off, theirs something wrong with the engine!" Whatever this feeling was it wasn't good, it felt completely wrong, and he had the feeling whatever it wasn't good. With that said he ran towards the cockpit, and began banging on the door "Somethings wrong with the engines! Stop the plane!

Go beat at the cockpit, and tell them to stop the plane. If they don't do it in 60 seconds break the door down, and tell them to stop the plane/or force them to

((Not sure if it was by accident, but my spoiler says Hybrid, and I wanted to be an Imprisoned Shackled, just a small nitpick. ))
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:40:46 pm by adwarf »

Digital Hellhound

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Wh- I could've sworn... alright, changing.

EDIT: Done. For extra details, check out mcclay's status.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:31:04 pm by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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"Hmm,let's see if they are up to.."
Erik motions his squad to stay back and reaches for the cultists mind. He seeps the sleeping suggestion into the man subconscious and tries to pry any information about the warehouse interior and cultists inside.

((I can do something like that i hope ? Or just "make people gouge their eyes out" madness :P ? ))


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"I am worried about today, how can you be so confident about such an ancient and terrible evil stirring, I could probably break you right now if I wanted, and I am still mostly human, but this is not something that I have not yet said a hundred times"

"Sophie, there you are, how are you feeling today"

Calla forces herself to calm down, the combination of Impending doom and her own power increasing, making her fidgety and she was already weird enough without her hair moving of it's own accord
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!
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