“The Martians always had a fierce independent streak and hated paying the regular tithes to Earth. With the internal turmoil within the Empire, the Martian Liberation Front saw the chance to launch a military coup to overthrow the Imperial Security Director. Now, the MLF controls all of Mars and now desire to export the revolution to the other colonies.
Revolution is treason. Revolution is betrayal. Revolution means a divided Humanity that will be gobbled up by the invading Cybrids. And that’s why the Emperor sent you, the elite Imperial Knights, to crush the Martian Rebellion and restore order. This is an act worthy of honor, or at the very least promotion and wealth. Even now, as the Red Whirlwind hovers within Martian orbit and the dropships are readied, the people of Earth praise your courage.
That is all. Your Imperial Overseer, signing off.”
The portable intercom (your only connection to The Overseer) finally shuts down, allowing you time to ponder your situation. The Imperial Knights were the bloody enforcement arm of the Empire. When the secret police, the Enforcer-thugs, and the Overseers failed, the Imperial Knights rush in, ready to administer their own violent brand of justice. They almost never fail in their duty (one learns not to talk about the Turkhazakistan Debacle in polite company). In the Imperial media, they’re heroes. To the colonists, they’re the greatest villains.
However, the Imperial Knights had a weakness that were plain to see. They were recruited amongst the many noble families within the Empire, and each individual Knight is more loyal to their family than they are to the Emperor. Most of these noble families are still loyal to the Empire, partly because they fear what will happen if the Rebellion wins. But there’s always the occasional rumor that one noble family or another had made “private arrangements” with a rebel faction, providing it aid and comfort in return for some small favors (such as an attack on a rival noble family).
The portable intercom blares again. “Imperial Knights. Report to Room A4-12.”
You, and 7 other people, arrive to that room, to see one dead janitor, and a Cybrid blink (the murder weapon) lying on a table. It turns out that there is an internal threat.
“A cybrid has snuck on-board this ship, obviously trying to sow dissent within our ranks. But we know he exist, and that’s the first step to defeating him. Imperial Knights, I’m counting you to find and terminate this threat before he can do damage to our campaign against the rebels on Mars.”
Day 1 starts. Day 1 will end 3 days from now, on Saturday. Days will last 3 days, while Nights will last 1 day.