That would be awesome, you should see if you can do that again and get film of it. I bet there's a ton of people that would be willing to sit through an entire rebellion.
So, to recap, It's been just over a decade since we embarked. I've collected about 20 or so cave ogres in a rather twisted turn of "blind luck" and decided to toss them all into a pit for noble disposal duty. Following this, my lovely little fort came under attack by a FB with a rotting gas attack. The squad that defends one of the chambered cairn (centered underground to bury a number of the miners that have died over the years) managed to engage and take the beast out with a small number of losses. They then proceeded upstairs to receive treatment for their now rotting flesh as individuals came down and started collecting up the fallen goods and corpses. This has now caused quite the cascade of deaths. In an attempt to secure the fort, I quarantined almost everybody affected with the blight inside the hospital and abandoned the Miners Cairn and the gold trinkets and artifacts that lay within. Needless to say, this then allowed a gremlin to proceed up the now unguarded shaft, through the open airlock (I was busy ushering people round and forgot entirely about that little precaution) and into the area where I keep my ogres. With one pull of the lever, the ogres were released, raining death and havoc among an unguarded and blighted peoples. The ogres proceeded to smash everything, chairs, tables, chests, dworfs and the mechanically unconnected floodgate that was being used to fill the pond inside the under-halls. With that little event, water gushed in and began to fill the lower levels.
Now, due to the design of my fortress, the entrance to the shaft downwards sits above the river line, meaning that the water coming in is unable to simply vent down into the cavern below. This has left a number of favored dwarf and a considerable armory unable to be reached. In the wake of this however, I turned them to digging an entrance up and into the, now secured, great-hall. With my dworfs separated by a number of barriers (water, ogres, quarantine walls, physical walls) my foray into ogre usage has become a rather costly affair. However, my plan to retake the fortress is currently underway and the ogres have already been circumvented.
Interestingly enough. The story of one of my best speardworf's last stand is pretty awesome. Chasing down the ogre that decided to flood the under-halls, she was disarmed and continued to fight the ogre in the midst of the flooding. Only when the ogre was finally killed did she decide to seek cover. This however failed, the water was already too deep to leave so she simply went over and, I'm assuming sat on top of her recent kill and just waited patiently for the flood waters to kill her.
Anyway, so thats it then. Thats what happens when you have that many ogres. I can repeat it so it must be !!!SCIENCE!!!