Why we aren't telling students that math/science/engineering/compsci degrees are needed more often I don't know.
It's said, every day, in colleges around the US. They urge, they beg and plead with people to go into mathematics, engineering and computer science. They tell students there will be employers shiving each other on the convention floor to take their applications during job fairs.
After going through the American education system to a bachelors....honestly. The problem is us. The kids who go to college wanting to get an MBA because they don't
like math or science. I'm not throwing stones, I got a degree in journalism. Not because I hate math and science, but because they were subjects that made me feel stupid and I didn't have the intellectual fortitude to do any more than I had to, to graduate.
Fast forward a couple years, I'm not working in a job using my degree, but in a job that computer science would have been
mighty useful in. Parents don't want to hear it but their kids have small dreams. I know I did. Or more correctly, no dreams. I don't know if I'm honestly representative of my generation, but my sentiment was shared by a lot of my peers in college. Get in, get your degree, get the fuck out, get a job. That was our priority.
So until we can learn to re-instill the love of learning
and the respect for it in younger generations, no amount of money is going to get people more educated in the shit America has fallen way behind in. And in this political climate, where it's still pretty much ok to dog on intellectuals and culturally it's ok to still ridicule nerds and geeks, it ain't gonna happen.