Game starts on 11/08 (Tuesday) at 4:30PM EST (-5 GMT). Please be prepared for 1.5-2 hours, longer if people are up for it.
JParanoia 1.31.1:We will be using JParanoia - compatible with Windows and Linux. This is a very easy to use chat client that will store our character sheets, give the GM some control over the game (ie. freezing/muting during combat scenes so they play out cleanly) and has build in controls for IC/OOC chat/PM'ng and even pictures transferred to everybody. I'll still be in the Steam (DFCPAR) chat room in case we have people who don't show up, and can use replacements (or if we just have extra room for impromptu players!)
Download here: (Also requires Java Runtime Environment 1.3.1 or later, can be found here if for some reason you don't have it: or through yum/apt-get etc. in Linux)
To run it, just download it, unzip the folder to wherever (like your messy desktop if you're anything like me) and run the JParanoia(Jun-10-04).jar file. Then choose client, and I'll give you the connect info via PM/Steam before we start.
*PLEASE* test that you can run it (just double click the JAR and click "Client") before the game starts, and ask for help BEFOREHAND if you can't get it! I don't want everybody to get bogged down because somebody doesn't know how to install Java.
Character Generation: will use a randomly generated character sheet using the following parameters:
Name: Choose whatever you want, this is basically your 'surname' - so for my character
Su-R-OOT-1, I entered "Su".
Clearance: Choose Red, no exceptions. This makes up the R of my example Su-
Sector: Whatever you want - three letters. This has no meaning at all, it's just flavor. Su-R-
Clone: Choose 1. This will change
if when you die. My Su-R-OOT-1 is now actually Su-R-OOT-
3, because he's died twice and is on his third clone.
Gender: Choose whichever you like.
Play Style: Can be Classic or Zap. I have a feeling my games are going to end up somewhere between "Classic" and "Zap", so take whichever strikes you. (Please not straight though)
Assigned service group: Random
Stat generation method: Buy to 40.
Once you're done, click "Decant" and get that PDF to me somehow. If you REALLY don't like what you see, regen it a couple times and send me the one you do like - please keep it to only a couple tries though, honor system! If you have no idea what you're reading, that's fine. Don't try to look it up, I'll consider that treason. Toss it in Google Docs and share it, put it on MegaUpload, PM me the link, or email it to me at paranoia *A-T*, whatever you want. (I have a catch-all address, so I'll know where the dirty spam comes from!)
FULLCurrent list of players:
Alekhs - Brud-R-BIG-1
Bdthemag - Richard-R-DED-1
trees - Tre-R-KOL-1
userpay - Vichero-R-TVI-1
Karlito - Boris-R-AGH-1
Peewee - U-R-IST-1
I'll accept 6 players since it's my first time GM'ng, maybe more if you're really desperate enough...