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Author Topic: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale - Dark Apprentice Needed!  (Read 39273 times)


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #135 on: November 05, 2011, 09:23:22 pm »

Jim: I don't trust that anything you do is that benign, not even RVS.  Call it paranoia after getting my ass handed to me by you repeatedly, but I suspect everyone of being scum until they prove themselves town, so from my point of view it's Scum Jim I'm talking to and I do not fuck around with that.

Unvote NUKE: Don't put words in my mouth, especially ridiculous ones.  If my accusation of you being a jester was serious (it wasn't), I wouldn't be pushing for a lynch and therefore an easy win for you.  I wanted you to talk, you did.  Calling a pressure vote an attempt to quicklynch isn't just absurd, it's scummy.  You're a better player than that.

Powder Miner: I find it odd you're so concerned about a double-vote despite claiming not having one.  Why would you worry about this without prompting?  Wouldn't it be more likely that, if LNCP forgot to count your unvote, we'd notice when we saw the votecount and remind him (or you would helpfully point out that you don't have two votes)?

Simple: I'm curious what you have to say in answer to NUKE's questions.  He makes some good points (the dick).

ECrownofFire: Why do you need to "feel the weather" so keenly?  Most of us can tell if it's hot, cold, windy, or rainy just by not wearing a hat.  Also, how does any of that relate to teaching latin?
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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #136 on: November 05, 2011, 10:44:28 pm »

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

How is that WIFOM?

(No, really, I don't understand)
You're basically saying "that's what he wants us to think" with the SK flavor and "confusion" that would result.

Time Blossom

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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #137 on: November 05, 2011, 10:46:58 pm »

Apologies for the absence folks. In order, my alibis are:

1) Classes.
2) NaNoWriMo write-in for a few hours after classes.
3) Taking a nap because I didn't sleep Thursday night.
4) Waking up to find that the first storm of the winter season had killed my internet connection, so I went back to sleep.
5) It's Saturday. Had miscellaneous RL stuff going on.

Anyway, to work:

Not too much before this sentence. Because lampshading is a scumtell, at least in my book.

So. Why would you say this?
If I'm going to say something that I know I would consider suspicious, if I were on the other end of the table, I'd rather go ahead and acknowledge it than wait for someone else to point it out. Probably isn't the best survival strategy, but it's how I prefer to do things.

Time Blossom: Woops, missed your question. My main method for avoiding suspicion while playing scum is currently playing like noob town, siding with bandwagons while coming up with slightly-different reasons for voting them, and doing my best to avoid disagreeing with people who aren't hanging. It's not the best tactic, but I've lived through most games I was scum in.
Thank you kindly.

Time Blossom: Would you like to share anything else from your flavor? History, hobbies, something of that sort?
I was raised by the church from the time I turned seven. I miss my family, but consider my duty to the Church to be a sacred one, and that helps to ease the homesickness. I plan on visiting home during a pilgrimage two months from now. Don't really have any flavor outside of my history, I'm afraid.

Except this:
Time Blossom: What's your character opinion on the witch-hunt ? Also is this choir a church one ?
My character thinks it's on the extreme side--but if the witches are guilty in the eyes of God, then they must be punished.

And, yes, it's a church choir. I believe I mentioned being raised by the church in my original flavorclaim?

Don't do this. I am going to give you the benefit again (for the last time), and pretend you really thought this would help people. It doesn't. If something looks like scumtalk, rephrase it so that it doesn't. If it cannot be rephrased in such a manner as to make your meaning clear in a town way, that's probably because you are scum, or what you are trying to say is not true.
See, now, this I disagree with. It presupposes that scummy behavior is a uniquely scummy phenomenon--which, if it were true, would mean that townies never get lynched.

Furthermore, it ignores two very important facts:
1) Innocent behavior can be twisted around to look scummy, either by scum or by well-intentioned townies.
2) On occasion, in the interests of the town, one is required to say something that sounds suspicious no matter how you put it.

I gotta admit, though, I admire your rhetorical strategy. As Nathan Ford put it once--paraphrasing here--"Declare victory, keep acting like you've already won, and eventually it'll be the truth."

Granted, it requires completely ignoring or dismissing facts that contradict the view that you're right, but hey, act confident enough and that actually works on most people.

For what it's worth, though, I'd probably be tossing him under the bus if we were scumchums. That is, in the vernacular, how I roll.
Remember when I said that it was the last time you would get the benefit of the doubt? Its just up a few lines, if you forgot.
I lied.
This is the last time. But you had best cut this scummy shit out.
Five seconds earlier:
On a more serious note, if I was a jester, you wouldn't know it. You would think I was scum who made a tiny slip up, and you would feel so proud as you led me to the gallows. See: Cult Mafia.
I gotta love how me saying what I would do if I was scum is scummy, but you saying what you would do if you were a Jester isn't suspicious at all.

But, I'm not mad, as contradictions aren't inherently scummy behavior. Everyone makes mistakes.

Again you're assuming too much : i know exactly two things about him from my pm: That he recently died and that his name was Anthony Engleford. I don't even know how,where or exactly when he died.
Bullshit. This is just mentioned as a passing comment, with no reference to his relation to you?
Oh yeah, I have that too. My role PM mentions that John Smith died recently.[/joke]
You are covering something up, and it is something that town shouldn't have to cover up.
Like this one!
Dude already said numerous times that the referenced personage is his brother. Pretending that he didn't and using that as if it were a contradiction is almost like, oh, I don't know,
you made up a flaw to point out, which, I think you should be able to agree, is not ok.

Simple. You know, I wasn't sure before now? I was just being super-confident because that can help make scum panic. This strategy's effectiveness has been proven once more.
Maybe. Then again, I've also seen this strategy used to good effect to get townies lynched.

"Panicking" isn't a uniquely scummy behavior, ya know. Prod someone enough and they'll get defensive no matter what side they're on. I guess your metric for Simple being innocent would be, I don't know, if he ignored all your questions and refused to defend himself? Or would you twist that one around, too?

You might have some good points about Simple--despite the absolutely ludicrous place your investigation started from--but you're making quite a few (un)intuitive leaps.

Also, it's worth noting that if you genuinely believe him to be an SK, that would make him a pretty sweet target for scum to go after, so tagging him as such instead of more believably tagging him as scum seems like a good way to get the rest of your buddies in on it, instead of having them wait for the bandwagon to get going. Yeah, that's a bit spurious, but with everything else I'm totes going to vote NUKE.

As a point of clarification, my vote has nothing to do with Simple's innocence or guilt, as I'm undecided on that point. I'm leaning towards the former, but that's mostly because I don't think NUKE and his carpet bag full of "super confidence" and "100% truthfacts" are on the up and up.
Time Blossom cancels everything: NaNoWriMo


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #138 on: November 05, 2011, 11:57:59 pm »

See, now, this I disagree with. It presupposes that scummy behavior is a uniquely scummy phenomenon--which, if it were true, would mean that townies never get lynched.
It should be. It ought to be. On the deepest level, only those who are scum can be scummy. Others seeming scummy is misinterpretation. A mistake.
Mistakes happen, but town is not scum. Town does not do scummy things. They are misinterpreted as being scummy.

Furthermore, it ignores two very important facts:
1) Innocent behavior can be twisted around to look scummy, either by scum or by well-intentioned townies.
And that is wrong, and we should punish those who do it. But if you don't believe you can properly point out how your words have been twisted, that is quite likely because they haven't been. In other words, yes, words can be twisted. But twisted words can be untwisted, the twister revealed. We cannot let all words go unexamined because they might be twisted.
More to the point, in context, this is not an important fact, and it has not been ignored. Your fear was that your words alone were scummy, twisted or no. Fool.

2) On occasion, in the interests of the town, one is required to say something that sounds suspicious no matter how you put it.
Wrong. In no situation I have ever encountered have I thought: I could never explain this sufficiently as that my intentions would not seem pure. Unless, of course, my intentions weren't pure.
Naturally, such explanations can be inordinately long, and one must cut corners so as not to make every post a four page essay. However, should someone require clarification, it should be possible to grant it. Never should it be the case that the clarification cannot be granted.

I gotta admit, though, I admire your rhetorical strategy. As Nathan Ford put it once--paraphrasing here--"Declare victory, keep acting like you've already won, and eventually it'll be the truth."
Thank you. I gotta admit, I hate yours. I can't tell whether you are town or scum, but either way, I don't like the way you are playing.

Granted, it requires completely ignoring or dismissing facts that contradict the view that you're right, but hey, act confident enough and that actually works on most people.
Ah. It was not a compliment. Well, fair enough.

For what it's worth, though, I'd probably be tossing him under the bus if we were scumchums. That is, in the vernacular, how I roll.
Remember when I said that it was the last time you would get the benefit of the doubt? Its just up a few lines, if you forgot.
I lied.
This is the last time. But you had best cut this scummy shit out.
Five seconds earlier:
On a more serious note, if I was a jester, you wouldn't know it. You would think I was scum who made a tiny slip up, and you would feel so proud as you led me to the gallows. See: Cult Mafia.
I gotta love how me saying what I would do if I was scum is scummy, but you saying what you would do if you were a Jester isn't suspicious at all.
Five seconds later:
Understand that this alone is not too bad.
Selective editing. Don't do it. It makes me angry.

But, I'm not mad, as contradictions aren't inherently scummy behavior. Everyone makes mistakes.
Heh heh heh heh heh.
But I didn't contradict myself. No need to forgive what hasn't happened.

Again you're assuming too much : i know exactly two things about him from my pm: That he recently died and that his name was Anthony Engleford. I don't even know how,where or exactly when he died.
Bullshit. This is just mentioned as a passing comment, with no reference to his relation to you?
Oh yeah, I have that too. My role PM mentions that John Smith died recently.[/joke]
You are covering something up, and it is something that town shouldn't have to cover up.
Like this one!
Dude already said numerous times that the referenced personage is his brother. Pretending that he didn't and using that as if it were a contradiction is almost like, oh, I don't know,
you made up a flaw to point out, which, I think you should be able to agree, is not ok.
I am confused. What are you trying to say, here?
I don't accuse Simple of a contradiction. I accuse him of lying about how much detail he got, on account of how being informed about the death of some random dude, with no additional information, is ridiculous.
In fact, as you can clearly see, in the nested quote itself, Simple claims that his role PM doesn't even mention that he is his brother.
How is it that whilst accusing me of contradicting someone, you yourself manage to contradict them?

"Panicking" isn't a uniquely scummy behavior, ya know. Prod someone enough and they'll get defensive no matter what side they're on.
Stop the freaking presses.
But seriously; there is a difference between town panic and scum panic, and what simple is doing is scum panic.

I guess your metric for Simple being innocent would be, I don't know, if he ignored all your questions and refused to defend himself? Or would you twist that one around, too?
If he ignored my questions? Well, I imagine I might get quite upset, yes.
My metric for him being innocent would clearly be if he answered my accusation satisfactorily. For example, if instead of calling the accusation ridiculous for patently false reasons, then backtracking when there falsehood is pointed out, and making ridiculous counterarguments, he were to, say, deny the allegations, I would be sated. Completely convinced, no, obviously not. The suspicion would lurk in my mind, and I might bring it up again later. But town would have no other course of action than to simply deny my accusations, and would not feel the need to counter attack. They would not feel pressured, really. A little nervous, confused, yes. Panicked right off the bat, no. I am not the master of the jimbots, I control no army of mindslaves to follow my every command. One guy's voteless suspicion is nothing to be feared- if one is innocent.

You might have some good points about Simple--despite the absolutely ludicrous place your investigation started from--but you're making quite a few (un)intuitive leaps.
Heh heh heh heh heh.
Remember earlier, when I was saying how you try not to disagree, try to echo what has been said? That's what this is.
My every point comes forth from my starting point; the entire thing collapses without it.

Also, it's worth noting that if you genuinely believe him to be an SK, that would make him a pretty sweet target for scum to go after, so tagging him as such instead of more believably tagging him as scum seems like a good way to get the rest of your buddies in on it, instead of having them wait for the bandwagon to get going.
Yeah, that's a bit spurious
Tell me about it! I honestly can't tell what the flying fuck you are trying to say. Please clarify.

,but with everything else I'm totes going to vote NUKE.
Wait, what. Why? What everything else. I'm sorry, I haven't been paying attention. I've missed all the actual points against me.

As a point of clarification, my vote has nothing to do with Simple's innocence or guilt,
Yeah, throw that in there. That way, if Simple flips scum, you won't look so bad, right?

As I'm undecided on that point. I'm leaning towards the former, but that's mostly because I don't think NUKE and his carpet bag full of "super confidence" and "100% truthfacts" are on the up and up.
Tch, tch. Lazy, lazy.

Really lazy.

Let me serve up some super confident 100% truthfacts which bug you so:

I am accusing Simple of being a SK.

If I am scum, that does not change the likelihood of him being a SK, because scum and SKs are not affiliated.

You lazy, lazy person. To clarify, it is lazy because you wanted to say Simple is probably town, but needed some way to say it without looking odd. But the reason you choose to use doesn't fit, because you didn't bother to check that before using it. Because you are lazy. Also some of the other stuff you do is lazy (Selective editing? Really?). It doesn't really matter. I am confused as to your defence of Simple (because that is what it is), given that he is a SK. I am going to assume you are a deluded townie, suffering tunnelling.

No hard feelings.
Long Live United Forenia!

Jim Groovester

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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #139 on: November 06, 2011, 12:26:45 am »

Yes, yes. I know that the question isn't as silly as, say, what colour are your curtains.
But it is inherently silly by way of it being an RVS question; not being well-thought out beforehand, but rather being spouted out as part of a routine. It is not designed to get useful information out of me, even if one could argue that it might do so. It blends together with other random questions to obscure and befuddle D1, and for that I find it silly and useless and not something that I will answer if I can at all help it.

Or you could quit being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian and answer the damn question.

Also, I don't really feel like parsing out a case from a wall of text from some smug jackass. What are you voting Simple for?

If I'm going to say something that I know I would consider suspicious, if I were on the other end of the table, I'd rather go ahead and acknowledge it than wait for someone else to point it out. Probably isn't the best survival strategy, but it's how I prefer to do things.

If you know something is scummy then you shouldn't do it. Knowingly doing scummy things is not excuse for doing scummy things. Acknowledging doing scummy things is also not excuse for doing scummy things.

Which makes me wonder why you're knowingly doing scummy things.

You might have some good points about Simple--despite the absolutely ludicrous place your investigation started from--but you're making quite a few (un)intuitive leaps.

Good points, such as...?

Also, it's worth noting that if you genuinely believe him to be an SK, that would make him a pretty sweet target for scum to go after, so tagging him as such instead of more believably tagging him as scum seems like a good way to get the rest of your buddies in on it, instead of having them wait for the bandwagon to get going. Yeah, that's a bit spurious, but with everything else I'm totes going to vote NUKE.

That's not a bit spurious, that's a lot spurious. Why the hell are you bringing this up? If it's not a reasonable argument for why NUKE9.13 is scum then you're better off leaving it unsaid.

So, what then? Are you just throwing out these terrible arguments in the hopes that maybe somebody might agree with you on them? Well, good thing you've already got your ass covered by saying they're spurious.

As a point of clarification, my vote has nothing to do with Simple's innocence or guilt, as I'm undecided on that point. I'm leaning towards the former, but that's mostly because I don't think NUKE and his carpet bag full of "super confidence" and "100% truthfacts" are on the up and up.

Again with the preemptive defenses.

Why is this worth bringing up? If you're anticipating that somebody's going to call you scummy for it, then let me direct you to my point about knowingly doing scummy things.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #140 on: November 06, 2011, 10:47:40 am »

Hm. Unvote Time Blossom. I'm still keeping an eye on you, though.

Meanwhile Simple.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #141 on: November 06, 2011, 10:48:06 am »

Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #142 on: November 06, 2011, 10:51:43 am »



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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #143 on: November 06, 2011, 10:58:19 am »

Urist Imiknorris  - 1 -  Toaster
Think0028  - 0 - 
NUKE9.13  - 3 -  Think0028, Urist Imiknorris, Time Blossom,
Simple  - 3 -  Dariush, NUKE9.13, Ottofar,
Powder Miner  - 0 - 
ECrownofFire  - 1 -  Simple
Ottofar  - 1 -  Powder Miner
Jim Groovester  - 0 - 
NativeForeigner  - 0 - 
Time Blossom  - 0 - 
Toaster  - 0 - 
Jack AT  - 0 - 
Dariush  - 1 -  ECrownofFire
Urist_McArathos  - 0 - 
Not Voting  - 4 -  Jack AT, Jim Groovester, NativeForeigner, Urist McArathos
No Lynch  - 0 - 
Extend  - 0 - 
Shorten  - 0 - 

The Day ends Monday, 9PM GMT.

There are two possible Extensions remaining.

Toaster (inactive 37h), NativeForeigner (inactive 37h), Powder Miner (inactive 40h) and Dariush (inactive 45h) have been prodded.

Shame on you all. This is not the kind of activity that should be seen in a Mafia game.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #144 on: November 06, 2011, 11:00:51 am »


You'll need a better answer than that.
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #145 on: November 06, 2011, 11:05:40 am »


You'll need a better answer than that.

...because I think he's anti-town?


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #146 on: November 06, 2011, 11:11:16 am »

...because I think he's anti-town?
Why? Am I so charismatic that you have become convinced of his scumittude without the slightest inkling as to why?

I mean, I don't disagree, but one feels you should be able to express yourself with a bit more finesse if you truly believe Simple to be scum (which he is).
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #147 on: November 06, 2011, 12:42:26 pm »

Counterpoint: last game there was an anti-town non-supernatural opponent: a lyncher, who merely wanted to steal some guys valuables.
This game is closed setup. Very closed setup. We expect supernatural opponents, but I wouldn't put it past LNCP to throw in a completely ordinary 'guy with a knife'; indeed, it would confuse us more, which is what he wants.
While indeed Lyncher was present last time, i wouldn't call him defining part of the game. And lyncher is much less serious threat than sk or other killing role.
As for the this being closed setup : It works both ways. This is closed setups so why there should be one ? And don't even start with using mod-bastardness as an argument.

Why ? I thought what i should be doing is pointing out flaws in scum reasoning?
Pointing out flaws in someones reasoning (there's nothing stopping you from pointing out flaws in town reasoning, mind) is fine. But my reasoning was not flawed; you made up a flaw to point out, which, I think you should be able to agree, is not ok.
You see nothing wrong in building your all reasoning upon one fact than you earlier belived was a lie ? Why would my brother feel need for revenge on inqusition if they basically saved his life back then ? Is there even inquisition in this game ? Why "perfectly ordinary" claim is suddenly something scummy ?

Or you think we all should just agree that you're always right and you're never lie or err.
-Oh? Am I hitting too hard for you? Do you not like me spouting 100% truthfacts all up in your face? Yeah, this is just you panicking, see.
If you were telling something that's true i wouldn't have a problem with you accusing me. I'm rather pissed that you bascially throw one crazy random theory in my face hoping that it will stick.

What evidence ?
The presence of SKs in the last game; this is evidence that SKs are not unlikely.
Both of them were magical.

Again you're assuming too much : i know exactly two things about him from my pm: That he recently died and that his name was Anthony Engleford. I don't even know how,where or exactly when he died.
Bullshit. This is just mentioned as a passing comment, with no reference to his relation to you?
Oh yeah, I have that too. My role PM mentions that John Smith died recently.[/joke]
You are covering something up, and it is something that town shouldn't have to cover up.
YES. That's not that hard to grasp : all i know of my brother is condensed into these words : you're brother of recently deceased Anthony Engleford. That's all. Rest of my pm is about my printing job, my house and witch hunt skepticism. And what's this something that town shouldn't cover up ? Why you're not full claiming then if you really believe that ?

And it's funny how you gone from "i got nothing on you" to "you're obv-sk".
Panic some more, why don't you. I went there after rereading, posing this possibility to you, and you subsequently flipped the fuck out and started denying the possibility of SKs. Sorry, this is how that works. One moment you look fine, the next you panic and are obvscum. Gotta keep your wits about you at all times, man, or you are going to lose.
Spout more nonsense, why don't you. First thing: stop with that. Maybe these annoying remarks make you feel better about yourself but it makes it obvious that you have nothing serious on me and pushing for some response. Stick to the facts please.

NUKE: The thoughts you've given on the flavourclaims seem to focus on the less supernatural end of anti-town forces.  Do you think that we will be dealing with mostly supernatural forces, like the previous game, or with more mundane forces?  Do you think it's too early to tell?
I reckon that, much like the last game, our primary trouble will be supernatural. However, the Supernatural are less likely to come out and say "oh I'm a tailor and a carpenter and oh by the way I'm also a werewolf"; their guilt will be less easy to determine from flavour alone. The Natural could mention something that hints towards their guilt by accident, for example by mentioning their relation to someone liable to have a bit of a grudge against the Inquisition.
I see you're 100% sure of that theory and take it as a fact. Good to know.

And only that kind fit into Nuke's way of thinking. I believe that SK are more likely to be magical (Wizard,Golem,Doppelganger,Vampire and alike) as in my opinion supernatural threat is a basic setting feature.
Wrong; see above, Natural lyncher in first game, no reason not to have more severe Natural threats this game.
Again, the exactly opposite thing can be derived from game closed setup.

In one thing Nuke is right : we should find third parties anyway and it should be our priority. Another thing is how can we distinguish one from another
Your confidence in the existence and malignance of third parties befits you, SK. Don't worry, you will be easy to distinguish from the others, by way of how you will be the oldest corpse on the gallows.
What ? You don't belive that third parties exist and are malignant ? So why are you voting me then ?

Urist_McArathos : ... Why you said that ? No ,seriously that's not a rhetorical question. Why you feel the need to add nothing except Fos here ?

Time Blossom : And as church choir member you have no idea about the bells ?

Ottofar : At least your not trying to disguise your vote as reasonable. But some explanation would be nice. (Also Urist's avatar strangely fits my reaction (faceplaming sollux))


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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #148 on: November 06, 2011, 01:26:09 pm »

Ok, folks, I invite you to consider this latest post.

I ask you. Is there a single point in it which you think bears sufficient weight that I need to actually respond to it?

I don't think there is; I think the flaws in all of them are obvious enough. However, if you can not see the flaws in any of his points, please ask, and I will point them out. I just don't want to waste time by doing a line-by-line analysis if it isn't necessary.
Long Live United Forenia!

Jack A T

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Re: Witches' Coven: Over Hill, Over Dale [DAY 1: 14/14]
« Reply #149 on: November 06, 2011, 02:09:30 pm »

Why ? I thought what i should be doing is pointing out flaws in scum reasoning?
Pointing out flaws in someones reasoning (there's nothing stopping you from pointing out flaws in town reasoning, mind) is fine. But my reasoning was not flawed; you made up a flaw to point out, which, I think you should be able to agree, is not ok.
You see nothing wrong in building your all reasoning upon one fact than you earlier belived was a lie ?
Congrats, Simple.  You're attacking NUKE for changing his opinion due to LNCP saying he made a mistake in your flavour.  Do you see anything wrong with your attack here?  Anything whatsoever?
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.
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