What about archer/peltast/assassin (light units)? Will they still benefit more from Steel than hide/leather? Don't you have a weight/encumbrance system?
Yes, there is a (basic, for now) weight system, and the more you have, the slightly slower you are. I intend to put in some bonuses for certain types of armor, though, to make assassins etc more viable!
How will strategic information work? Will spies be available?
It will be dependent on your knowledge of other empires; both facts and rumours (which, of course, might be facts themselves) will be at your disposal, along with the ability to send scouts, etc. I think spying and espionage would be a wonderful facet to implement, and I really want to - again, of course, a potential direction for the player, too.
That's too bad about the modding thing. However if I may ask since I've been following this along for a bit now. Why do you not have your own forums? Just wondering.
As well second question, assuming you cut off resources, could we starve/dehydrate out our enemies through sieges? I would like to think so if we ourselves are susceptible to it, that everyone else would be as well, it will also add to their routine of the day to go get food and water.
edit: Also temperature, I'd like to assume deserts make you thirsty quicker and polar caps pretty much freeze you til you are dead. Anything about how temperature will affect the adventurer?
I haven't put up my own forums since it isn't out yet! Once I put out the first alpha in two months or whatever, I might put up my own forum then, though I suspect it will initially be mostly a location for bug reporting
. Yes, I definitely want you to be able to do that to enemies, and they'll be attempting the same. Different biomes do indeed have different ambient temperatures which will affect you and all creatures. It will be particularly pronounced for ones that exist in certain biomes - Cyclopes from the desert will really struggle in polar regions far more than you, while the inverse will also be true...
The mountains in the world generation seem too much as straight lines leading north-south or east-west. Can you fix that? And also how big is the world in square kilometers?
I do see what you mean; I'll try and add in a little more variation. Re: size, that's a tough question to answer. In terms of grid squares the player walks around on (i.e. not the world map) it is 40,000 x 40,000 square across (each world map square is 200x200). I'd say each square is probably more than a square metre, maybe two or three. There isn't an exact measurement, but it's certainly 80km+ along a side, I'd say.