Look around for any weapons we could use such as clubs
1] Why on earth would anyone leave weapons lying around in a prison?
Well, whatever their reasons, someone has. There's a rack of swords in an empty cell. You pick the lock, step into the cell, and immediately step on a caltrop. Meanwhile, opening the door has set off an alarm. You can hear the guards upstairs mobilizing, so you push on through, stepping carefully, until you reach the swords.
Which are blunt.
Still, better than nothing.
[6] You toss out a sword each, and your men take up positions by the door. Two guards come running down the stairs, and each one gets a facefull of blunt metal for their troubles. Three more guards arrive, treading with greater caution. [1] They have crossbows. They take down a man each before you can react.
Guards, armed and armoured (+2) (5hp) VS escapees, in greater numbers (+1) (12hp)
[4+2]:[3+1] Point Guards
[5+2]:[6+1] Draw
[1+2]:[6+1] Point Escapees
[3+2]:[5+1] Point Escapees
[6+2]:[4+1] Point Guards
[6+2]:[2+1] 2 Points Guards
[4+2]:[6+1] Point Escapees
[5+2]:[3+1] Point Guards
[1+2]:[2+1] Draw
The last of the guards falls under a hail of blows, but not before killing six of your men and injuring you.
You avail yourself of their weapons. [4] It is pointed out that there were 6 guards. One is missing-probably gone to get backup. Maybe it would be a good idea to skedaddle?
Go to the watchtower- or what's left of it- with an armed bodyguard.
[2] You arrive at the watchtower. Crows circle it, and it has large, man-sized windows, perfect for launching oneself out of with giant bat wings.
Unfortunately, the door is locked. And the lock rusted. And the aforementioned windows are very high up. You pound on the door a little, but it's a sturdy thing- reinforced oak, which has swelled from poor treatment and has practically merged with the door frame. You couldn't open this even if it was unlocked.