-- kineticMoonlight [KM] began trolling testingBeta [TB] at 23:12 --
KM: Hey.
TB: what
KM: Shshshshhsh. Don't want to attract attention from the Dersites.
KM: I've been wondering lately: is magic real?
TB: def|ne mag|c
KM: I mean, like, so I can kind of See stuff, but I can also make items with distinctly magical powers, and we all seem to be growing in strength at an alarming rate.
KM: Is this just a game construct? A law of the universe we were never aware of? How does it work? Why?
TB: that's sburb bullsh|t
TB: and know|ng how |t works |s exclus|ve code player sh|t
KM: Okay, let's say it's sburb bullshit. That's fine. Let's say I'm not interesting in knowing "how" it works.
KM: But that scenario leads to the obvious assumption that the "game" made out of "code" was "programmed" by someone.
TB: yeah that's more code player sh|t
TB: need-to-know bas|s and all
TB: and before you say someth|ng
TB: yeah | know now that |'m code, not t|me
KM: Good for you, I don't care.
KM: Okay, let's narrow it down, then. Theoretical scenario: I have a bunch of magic sburb bullshit items and weapons that can throw physics or whatever. I'm suddenly whisked back to Earth. MY Earth, not Sburb Earth or Fake Earth or Future Sburb Earth or whatever. Do these game constructs still exist and function as they should?
TB: some do, some do not
TB: |t depends on where they draw the|r source from
KM: Source?
TB: yep, source
TB: more need-to-know
KM: Okay... so if there's an Earth that exists somewhere physically, a session that exists here physically and a link between the two, leading some game constructs to function in the former and some only in the latter, that leads me to believe at least one of these "sources" only exists within a SBURB session or the greater network of sessions.
TB: okay f|ne jesus
TB: there's some sh|t that only works |n sburb, yes
TB: that's the sort of th|ng that generally draws |ts power from lands, prosp|t, derse, et cetera
TB: th|ngs that draw power from you, the|r surround|ngs, or other th|ngs w|ll generally work
KM: But why? What metaphysical concept are we talking here? And undiscovered, real, not fake as shit "magic" that would not be rejecting from non-"game" plane?
TB: and then there's the quest|onable |tems l|ke horrorterror sh|t wh|ch works on a "who the fuck knows" bas|s
TB: we are talk|ng |solat|on of code
TB: bas|cally |f you are runn|ng a program
TB: some of the code from that program can transfer to other programs
TB: some of |t just can't
KM: It seems you're implying our previous lives were just run under a seperate, partially-compatible program. Like, "Earth.exe."
TB: pretty much
KM: And when SBURB started, "Universe.exe" encountered an error and had to close. Would you like to report this bug to Godsoft.
TB: bel|eve me, plenty of people already d|d
TB: but that's need to know aga|n
KM: This is still awfully confusing. And you! Code player! Look at you.
-- kineticMoonlight [KM] lifts TB's hood momentarily --
TB: .....
TB: m|tts off
KM: Hair. A face. Human. Normal. Aren't you in the least bit frightened or fascinated by all these implications? Surely you came from Earth, too? Maybe we even existed in the same time, unaware of each other.
TB: |'ve been down th|s road
TB: | know what all th|s sh|t |mpl|es and more
TB: but qu|te frankly |'ve stopped car|ng about the |mpl|cat|ons of th|s g|gant|c mess of bullsh|t
KM: Well, when this is all over, I'm putting it in a book somewhere.
TB: good luck w|th that
KM: But you didn't answer my question.
KM: If you're Human, doesn't that mean you're from Earth too?
TB: not necessar|ly
TB: | may have called |t Earth
TB: but |t may not have been the same Earth
KM: True. The same might be said for Emily, I suppose.
TB: nah, em|ly's from the same earth
TB: | checked that
TB: there are mass|ve compat|b|l|ty |ssues otherw|se
TB: w|th lands and such
KM: That... does make some sense, I think. Maybe.
KM: Speaking of compatibility, what is "post-entry?"
TB: why do you want to know that
KM: It was at once hilarious and concerning.
KM: Did you run out of brain space or something?
TB: .....oh. that was you.
TB: |t's noth|ng |mportant
KM: I guess not. But I'm starting to think you don't talk about most of you and your group's previous experiences not because of "privacy" or "manners."
KM: But instead because you can't remember.
TB: shut up
KM: What?
TB: shut up.
TB: before you tr|gger |t aga|n.
KM: Is it painful or something?
TB: no.
TB: | just remember a b|t more now
TB: | remember lock|ng away memor|es
TB: th|ngs | d|dn't want to remember
TB: th|ngs | knew would be a very bad th|ng to release
TB: but apparently |'m a dumbass because | also coded |n a tr|gger release
TB: |f someone tr|ggers the memory lock enough |t all comes loose
TB: the more |t tr|ggers, the more | remember
TB: and | don't want to remember those
KM: Why not? Without your memories you're just a bozo hovering out here for no reason with no main goal in mind other than "survive."
TB: because of he- ERROR: MEMORY F|LE BRE/\CH
-- kineticMoonlight [KM] facepalms --
TB: REP/\|R|NG....
TB: unf
KM: Unf indeed.
TB: the hell d|d you do that for
KM: Accident. Remember anything else?
TB: noth|ng you need to know of.
KM: Unfortunate. But I am in opposition of locking your memories away regardless, whether it's you or anyone else.
KM: That's all you have here, after all.
TB: ... no, | have sweet duds, a pocketwatch that breaks phys|cs, and weapons that break phys|cs some more
TB: that's a b|t more than just memor|es
KM: Point, I suppose. But you're still a blank slate. Whatever.
KM: The fire's been going for a while now. I'm going to see how many are dead and if it's time for us to head in.
TB: you do that
KM: Seeya.
-- kineticMoonlight [KM] gave up trolling testingBeta [TB] at 23:43 --