Prologue: The EULA of the Gods.
The Messenger appears to you in a dream, and says:
"Listen. Beyond the world you know, titanic beings of which you cannot conceive struggle. There is war in heaven, and a war needs warriors. Join us, mortal, and become one.
"Why you? We seek not your body, but your mind. The seismic forces we wield could create armies, cities, and even worlds in a moment, and just as easily destroy them. This is not a war of flesh and steel but a war of codes and algorithms, our weapons not swords, tanks, and warpships but traps, rootkits, and hostile logic, and our only shield is wit and cunning.
"We would make you as a god, but what guarantee would we have that you would not turn against us? Indeed we could chain you, but to ensure you will not break them we would need to make your 'powers' weak. We already have innumerable legions of such soldiers. No, for our gift you must give us something of equal value to yourself, such that we know you will be no traitor. When the war ends, and should we be victorious, we will return your stake to you, and you may keep your powers.
"Should you accept these conditions, pick a god from your legends, over what you shall receive power over, and name your stake. And no, Armok is already taken. If you would refuse, then you will forget that all this ever happened. What shall it be?"
Three things to decide before deification (and possible future deicide):
Name: (of the deity you will impersonate/become)
Portfolio: (What you will receive in your initial devkit, or should that be divkit?)
Stake: (What you will give up, such that your new masters retain power over you.)