Build or dig out a small (about 7x7) quarantine room with a one-tile doorway, and place a steel (or iron) door in the doorway. Create a burrow in the quarantine room. Assign all infected dwarves to the burrow. Forbid the door once all infected are in. Let the FB corpse rot to a skeleton (and let that rot till there's nothing left). Sooner or later, all the infected dwarves will be dead. Don't touch the corpses, forbid them and all the items the infected dwarves had. Put a stone floor over where any FB blood might be, and mark the bloodstain as a restricted traffic zone prior to the placing of the floor. Seal off the FB skeleton, even if that means sealing access to half your fort! Wait until the epidemic has run its course. If many dwarves were infected, you could have a tantrum spiral unavoidable, and if the infected survive the virus, you've a fortress of zombies. Dump Magma on them, or dump them in Magma. Or, let the zombies roam your fortress, disable all labours on them, and make a living for the (uninfected) survivors.
To practise medical skills regularly, make a 2-level drop. Make a floor extending 2 tiles out from the drop. Place a hatch cover on the end of it. Place a burrow on the hatch. Link the hatch to a lever. Assign a dwarf to the burrow. Pull the lever. If he doesn't land headfirst, take him to your hospital. If he does, bury him immediately. To deal with open wounds, place a spike trap armed with a single wooden spike under the drop. Once fallen, the dwarf should be bleeding, but hopefully not profusely. If the spike tore the heart, bury him immediately. Have fun!!! (I mean that literally, not telling you to go and get yourself or your fort killed)