Hey Vendayn, any chance you could namedrop some of the better "RTS" type gameplay enhancers you played around with?
Kinda have my own separate thing that also took a long time to get right (mostly right anyway, pretty sure some weapon/armor stats are still borked from putting new Immersive Armors on top of Skyre)
Things I would be particularly interested in are stuffs that let you go all battlefield commander...preferably in the Civil War, but since the only notable thing that meddled with that was the CWOverhaul and that liked to spawn 80 billion dudes on the outskirts of Falkreath when it wasn't crashing it kinda lost my interest (though you seem to have looked through a lot more stuff then me)
Mostly though I want to feel like I'm running a guild of adventurers/mercenaries to be honest.
Or ANY guild in fact...is there a "more immersive guilds" mod?
Currently the closest I can get is just recruiting a shitton of followers and throwing them at things, but that gets...cluttered after awhile.
Might also be interested in some of the less game/fps-murdering "own a fort/castle/etc." stuff, but so far the stuff I've seen in that category doesn't look too immersive/lore friendly (High King of Skyrim springs readily to mind as what I don't want