Giving a quick skim through the thread right now. Ah such fond memories such as me, randall, and some girl camping on top of the ultor building or whatever it was with our piss keg into the dead of night, when we all decided to throw each other and the gear off the building. Shame I was attempting to stuff the parachute back into the pack after I jumped off instead of deploying it....
Wait, wasn't I a part of that? Maybe I was up camping on a rooftop with someone else... I distinctly remember somehow pissing off one of the security guards to the point that he'd pop out of the roof hatch and obliterate me every now and then, so one of my camping buddies had to use my own defibber on me. I was so brain-damaged by the end of that I was basically just a husk to be experimented on by my corpmates.
I wonder if I should give HATE a go... I'm really not sure. I remember a lot of good times in Hell, but I also remember it eating up a lot of time in order to do anything useful, and also eating up a lot of my sanity watching the same two or three socially inept dorks masturbating by senselessly slaughtering everyone significantly weaker than them and wrecking their shit.
I mean, slaughtering and shitwrecking is all well and fine, really... Good sportsmanship and all that. But it gets to be irritating when the person doing it is just a generally lame person, that you of course have no chance of sticking it to by means of revenge.
Getting GOKU-bom trapped in our corp HQ was hysterical fun though. Although, a better description is probably the dwarf fortress definition of "fun".
Also, I tend to enjoy making characters that are by NO means the most effective at being a godly (or even good) build. My old character of the Scientific Bill E. Goat Chudmerican was living, walking, doobie-munching proof of this.
As such, I'd probably try and create some stupid build that would just get itself killed. Like a brains/cool focus to make chump change through scamming and haggling, while taking a sideline into pistols or daggers or something instead of goddamn whips (not that I have anything particular against whips, mind, I just hate being *shit* at whips and still having to use them. I've also considered making a whip-based char). Or maybe a zombie preacher or something. Or a drunkard.
Heck, I don't know, but I know it'd be crap... Which would be awesome except for the fact that the old Hell was based almost solely around combat. Sure, there were some oddjobs and sidelines and whatnot, but you only really got anywhere by killing stuff. I *still* think they need some new contract ideas to support other skills...
In any case, I'd probably play a chick this time around. Get knocked up and whatnot. And yes, I do have fond memories of the bat closet at WOMBAT... Haha.
So how are things? And did Stabs ever get my Christmas present I sent him a couple years ago (geez, has it been that long)?