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Author Topic: Evercage, the dwarven prison [Dwarf Fortress Advanced v. 0.3.6 COMMUNITY]  (Read 31598 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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@ Stronghammer

You didn't have to wait long, here is your dwarf:

Spoiler: Stronghammer (click to show/hide)

I will probably make you a manager/broker of the fortress

@ bayar

The only dwarf that would even remotely fit to your description was prisoner.

Spoiler: bayar (click to show/hide)
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, I suppose slaughtering invaders will be out of the question then ?


  • Bay Watcher
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"Keywalls! Hurry! We have visitors!"

Keywalls raised her eyes from the papers she had been reading and studied the dwarf called Ahra who had been patrolling the archers' ledge moments before.

"Visitors? What do you mean by that?"

"There are dozens of our kin standing outside the wall! Quickly, they want to see the leader of this fortress!"

Keywalls folded the papers, stood up and went outside. When she reached the trapped gap in the walls she saw over twenty dwarves standing outside, waiting for her. When she reach the group one dwarf step further. Keywalls was sure that the dwarf was leader of the group.

"Greetings! I assume you are the leader of this prison, am I right? We are from mountain home and we have come to join this fortress. I'm called Stronghammer, and I have worked at the King's Jail back in our former home. We have four guards, three priests and seventeen criminals in our company."

"Greetings to you as well. I'm Keywalls, the leader of this place. You said you were working in the King's Jail? That's good, we need dwarves who are have experience in daily running of prisons. What exactly are you experienced in?"

"I'm good at trading, as I worked as merchant before King's Jail. I also know a bit about organization and bookkeeping. I also have a hobby of working with bones, so I know a bit about how to do things from that material."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"That's good indeed. Do you have anything against the position of broker and manager of this fortress? I can't understand anything about those, so you would be better candidate."

"Sure, I don't mind about that. We also brought several smiths with us, we heard that there is volcano right next to the fortress, which seemed to be correct."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"That's wonderful! We already have mined out small working area and magma channel inside, we just need to tap the channel to the volcano before the forges and smelters can be built."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Good. I also need a office, as I need a place where I can work in peace if I'm going to be the manager here. How big task that would be?"

Keywalls scratched her head before answering.

"I don't think that should prove to be too much, I say from week to month before the room is ready and furnished. No more than month, that I promise."

"That's good. The guards are of course at your disposal, as well as the criminals. From this point on you are in command."

And so the twenty-four dwarves entered the fortress. Seventeen criminals meant a lot of jobs to be filled, which only made Keywalls happy. More jobs filled meant better living conditions to personnel, guards and priests. For the well-being of the criminals she didn't care much, if they died during work she would just need to find someone to replace the fallen.
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, I suppose slaughtering invaders will be out of the question then ?

Well, if the guards and personnel ends up being sadistic enough they can always arrange a mob squad from prisoners. The mon squad is only armed with hammers or swords, no other equipment, and are then realized to swarm some unlucky invaders cage or such. And if the squad proofs to be deadly enough the perhaps even against assault squad or two...  ;D
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Prisoner pit fights.

Delicious !


  • Bay Watcher
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Shame that I can't order my dwarvers to attack each other without messing the whole game, otherwise I would pit few criminals against equipped guards.  8)
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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"You can't expect me to do that! That would be a suicide!"

Keywalls stared at the miner in front of her in anger and disbelief. This filthy dwarf, who was less valuable than common slave, was standing there, disobeying her orders. She had to struggle to calm her voice down, even though she was boiling inside with anger.

"Do I hear disobeying? Are you, lowly criminal, worthless thug that whose skin has no value to me, saying that you won't follow my orders? The orders given to you by someone far above you in the chain of command? Someone who, just because she can, can order your execution, hell, even execute you in a blink of eye? Lets try again, shall we? You are going to connect the magma channels to the volcano, and I'm not taking a no as answer. So, will you do it or must I find someone else?"

The dwarf Rewardbolted was soaked in sweat. He knew that the order he was given by Keywalls could lead to his death, but on the other hand disobeying was sure ticket to the magma, thrown down to the crater by Keywalls herself. There were no good answers here, only bad ones.

"Alright, fine, but I assure you that this whole thing is too dangerous for my liking!"

Keywalls tilted her head, grinning evily.

"Do I look like I care? As long as you can connect the tunnel to the volcano I'm happy, getting you out alive is just a small bonus to me. Now leave, I think you have a work to be done."

Rewardbolted walked to the end of the tunnel, carefully studying the rock wall separating him from the hot magma. He knew he had to work carefully so that he could predict the breaching, perhaps allowing him to escape the flowing magma. For days he didn't leave the tunnels, too afraid to stop the work.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Finally the work was ready and Rewardbolted removed the plug that was preventing the magma from entering the tunnel. Immediately after the magma begun pouring inside he begun running towards the entrance, where waited door separating the magma channels from the rest of the fortress, where safety was waiting for him.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

He ran and did not look back. If he had he would have noticed that there was no way the thick red liquid would catch him, as the flow was very slow and he could have been able to avoid it even by walking. When he reached the door and got past it he slammed it shut, locked it and took the key to Keywalls. The only react Keywalls showed, besides taking the key, was small nod. Nothing else, not even a comment or praise for doing a good work. But he was alive, and that was most important thing to him at the moment.

Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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The spring was coming to end when strange even occurred; two elves arrived to the fortress, claiming to be traders and only wanting to do some deals with the fortress. Keywalls was suspicious. How did the elves know about the fortress. They wanted this place to stay unknown, they didn't want any unwanted attention. And the elves never understood the notion of life sentences. Humans, on the other hand, were completely different thing, but elves were civilization that was never liked by dwarves.

"Stronghammer, come here!"

Stronghammer approached Keywalls.

"As a broker and manager of this fortress, what do you think? Should we trade with elves?"

Stronghammer was scratching his beard.

"Well, I have never liked them personally, and we can survive without their help. I say we should not trade with them, in fact I'm also against letting them out alive. Who knows what tales they will spread among their kind about a dwarven fortress designed to hold dangerous criminals. I say we should kill them, they are unarmed after all."

"Unarmed, you say? I just had an idea, should we arrange some fun to our guards?"

"Why not? I see that you have something in your mind, so speak out."

"Let's assign those two archers next to the walls, guarding the entrance. Then we shall form a mob of ten prisoners, who shall attack the elves. Unarmed of course. Let them release some anger to elves instead of us. The guards can make sure that no elf or prisoner escapes. What you say?"

"That sounds fantastic! I will organize the mob, you could lead the elves to the depot where the slaughter will take place."

And so the elves were guided to the depot. Neither one had any clue what would happen. In the meanwhile Stronghammer was organizing the mob. He chose ten brutal killers among the prisoners, a dwarf called Bayar being the leader.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

When everything was ready the mob was released to swarm the elves. The squad of prisoners rushed towards the two shocked and frozen elves, who had no idea of what was happening. Unfortunately the elves realized very quickly what was happening and begun fleeing towards the entrance, trying to get out as soon as possible. Ahra, one of the two guards stationed outside, noticed this and, as the elves were reaching the traps, he raised his crossbow and took both elves down with his bolts. The mob was angry due the lost chance of bashing some skulls but there was nothing the could do. At least the elves left all their supplies to the depot, and those supplies would make the fortress rich.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And so the fortress of Evercage had seen the first death, though surprisingly those two deaths weren't deaths of prisoner but two unfortunate elves who just happened to be in totally wrong place in wrong time. And with the spilling of the elven blood begun the tradition of not tolerating elves, and the method of dealing the nuisance with violent became preferred one.

Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
  • [ethics:give a shit?: denied]
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If im a legendary Miner now, if i get drafted into a mob, can i stead fastly keep my pick?
their is a way to keep a miner with a pick who also does millatery detail, i think you need to forge a specific one then assign the dwarf that pick in the menu. ones brought with you dont tend to work.

Legendary pick weilders when trained up in fighting are a bit of a cross between spears and axes.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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hehehehehehe awesome, can we pretened that stronghammer is a dude pleeeeeeease.

Journal of Stronghammer

Well things seem to be going quite well, i arrived at the new fortress prison and was immediately set a good position. I am also very glad that i appear to be on good terms with the head prison guard keywalls. And just today to my delight we set the prisoners upon the filthy elves. I was laughing so hard at the spectacle, unfortunately the guards had to step in to prevent the escape of the elves. Theres always next time. Well im off to attend to my duties, as manager i will be able to get some wealth going my way as well as be able to work some of this filthy rabble to the bone, especially with guard support, me and keywalls will make a good team.

Rar Moraarr

  • Escaped Lunatic
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Love Commutity forts. So count me in. :P
I would like a guard; named Rar.

As for personality, he should be very somber, easy-go type person. Though he does have a short temper, and isn't afraid of doing thing 'The Un-Convention Way'. Also if you can find a dwarf that has a bit of skills with Crosswbows, mark him down as Rar.



  • Bay Watcher
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If im a legendary Miner now, if i get drafted into a mob, can i stead fastly keep my pick?
their is a way to keep a miner with a pick who also does millatery detail, i think you need to forge a specific one then assign the dwarf that pick in the menu. ones brought with you dont tend to work.

Legendary pick weilders when trained up in fighting are a bit of a cross between spears and axes.

I usually try to avoid drafting miners and woodcutters to military, but if I do then sure you can have you pick.

hehehehehehe awesome, can we pretened that stronghammer is a dude pleeeeeeease.

Tadaaa! The magic of Runesmith!

Spoiler: Stronghammer (click to show/hide)

Congratulations! You just became male!  ??? :D

Love Commutity forts. So count me in. :P
I would like a guard; named Rar.

As for personality, he should be very somber, easy-go type person. Though he does have a short temper, and isn't afraid of doing thing 'The Un-Convention Way'. Also if you can find a dwarf that has a bit of skills with Crosswbows, mark him down as Rar.


Hmm... male dwarf belonging to the warrior caste...

Oh, here you go! Last male guard we had unclaimed at this moment:

Spoiler: Rar (click to show/hide)

By the way, if someone wants some minor details to be changed from their dwarves just ask. Runesmith appears to be able to edit most of the things
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Now let's just see if Stronghammer ends up having an affair with a male dwarf... :o
Could be some amusing glitches! I might write up a journal entry through Yegg's eyes soon, too.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Yeah, probably the worst thing that the gender changing could cause is that Stronghammer gets married with male dwarf and then gives a birth...  :o
Room Values - !!SCIENCE!!

Quote from: zanchito
You know, they could teach maths like this at school. "There are 105 dwarves in a settlement. A goblin invasion appears and 67 die. Then a migrant wave..."


  • Bay Watcher
  • [ethics:give a shit?: denied]
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thanks man ^^

I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!
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