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Author Topic: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)  (Read 34870 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #225 on: September 22, 2011, 07:56:56 pm »

Cool, I'll download and start as soon as Michael gives me confirmation it's my turn :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #226 on: September 23, 2011, 08:02:07 am »

Cool, I'll download and start as soon as Michael gives me confirmation it's my turn :)
It's your turn.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #227 on: September 23, 2011, 12:10:08 pm »

Woot! I'll get right on it!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #228 on: September 28, 2011, 03:59:02 am »

Ok guys, sorry for the late start, but have made up some lost time.  Also, ashton only played 2 months (I think, that or it was 14 months), which I didn't realise at first, so I'll only have enough time to play the last 10 months of his turn.  Here it is...

Armok help me... how do I keep getting myself into these things?  Was just playing cards with the lads and blowing off some steam about our latest incompetent leader.  I thought the lads were intently listening to my latest rant and string of curses... the bastard was standing right behind me wasn’t he!?  No idea how long he had been there... well, at least that explained their expressions of shock.  Next thing I know he’s got me by the scruff of my tunic, pinned me against the wall and shouting at me... something about “...doing things better...” and “...put your money where your mouth is...”

So, now I’m here, sitting in the overseers office wondering what in Armok I should be doing.  No idea where Ashton went to.  Can’t be that hard to run a fortress can it?  I mean, previous overseer was pretty much absent without leave up until his surprise appearance.  I can do this... I’m a damn fine engineer, I’ll have this place running like a well oiled machine when I’m finished with it.  I better take a look at the plans for this place to get better acquainted.  Now where did that fool leave them...

1st Felsite, 198
For Armok’s sake... this fortress is a mess, the plans don’t even match... I’m going to have to do this a the hard way.  I’ve inspected the magma pump.  It’s all over the place.  I can’t fathom what the top section of it is supposed to do and I’m too afraid to turn it on.  The farms are scattered all over as well, not efficiently using the space available.  This will have to be sorted.

2nd Felsite
I guess news around here spreads fast and the lads are aware I’m somewhat in charge now.  I’ve been notified that a production order of 30 copper leggings has been completed.  Why are we using copper when we have the material of the Gods sitting in our stockpiles.  I will order some guys to start processing the adamantine into armour for our... our... what the hell, so many squads with so few soldiers.  This is going to be difficult.

3rd Felsite
Now someone is moaning about lack of cages, I better get more made.

8th Felsite
Spotted a bunch of guys running around with doors.  I asked them what they were doing with them considering this fortress hardly has any, they said they were putting them with the rest in the stockpile.  I asked them how many others there were, they said probably close to 50!  I told them to start installing the doors into every available space a door should go!

9th Felsite
Oh no... some of lads have reported a gigantic eyeless mite with a massive ivory exoskeleton slowly making its way towards the fortress through the underground caverns!  Occasionally we hear it’s bellows from below.  I haven’t had enough time to check fortress defences, I guess it’s time for a quick crash course...

10th Felsite
Very small section of the fortress collapsed... idiot didn’t follow my orders properly. ^_^

14th Felsite
Wuradi caravan has turned up.  Have ordered all our crafts to the trade depot, hopefully they have some goods worth trading for.  Have also noticed that over half the fortress are assigned to masonry duty and are extending fortifications on the surface.  Looking at the intended plans I had to steal from one of the foredwarfs, I can already see some serious defence concerns, specifically that now all our traps are on the INSIDE of the our walls.  I’m far too busy to deal with this particular mess at the moment so I slap the plans back in the foredwarfs face and just tell him to get on with it.

16th Felsite
A child has died from thirst, we have moderate amounts of drink so I’m not quite sure how this happened.  Better brew some more just in case and I’ll take a look at our fresh water access.  Also, that gigantic eyeless mite mentioned before seems to stuck behind some subterranean defences that one of my predecessors constructed, at least they did something right.  Turns out that there’s another huge monster stuck down there too, hopefully they stay down here.

19th Felsite
Wuradi traders finished unpacking so traded a ton of crafts for anything metal and anything with alcohol in it.  I figure I’ll melt down all the iron and see if I can get some steel weapons and armour on the go.  Also, the elven traders turned up too, hopefully there’s enoug space at the trade depot.

26th Felsite
Elven traders also finished unpacking, bought all their wood and a bunch of cages as I noticed the cage build order I set earlier was processing slowly and I think our lacking wood stockpiles may be the cause of it.  Besides, the Elves like it when we buy their wood through them instead of hack down forests... but we’ll need to do that as well!

28th Felsite
...and I thought I could get to the end of the month without another issue.  Dakost Morulnonub died from thirst.  Initially thought it was the same problem as before, but alas no, idiot mason walled himself in just outside, west of the fortress.  Oh well...

6th Hematite
Well, it’s been a month now and the fortress is still in disarray.  Can’t get anything done with all the damn peasant masons running around building the exterior walls... but it’d take longer to pull it all down so I have decided to let it continue.  Hopefully some good will come of it, but I doubt it.  I have pulled off from few skilled dwarfs from the construction project to perform other tasks and that has helped a bit.

15th Hematite
I’ve been trying to sort out the military in the fortress, instead of having loads of squads with a few members, I have reorganised them into two main squads; melee and ranged.  Also, looking through the scribblings that are supposed to be the fortress’ journal, I’ve noticed that Spishaban is supposed to be captain of the guard but he’s currently recruited into a one of the ranger squads.  No wonder he has been pissed lately.  I took him out of there and re-established him as the captain of the guard.  The rangers squads have been combined together to form a single ranged militia squad.  All squads have been assigned proper training areas.  Things are looking a little more manageable now.

24th Hematite
Mebzuth Kathilatis, one of our doctors, has been acting strangely all of a sudden.  He won’t speak to anyone, just mumbling that he needs to make something... then he went and barricaded himself in a craftdwarf’s workshop.

1st Malachite
Ok, two months down.  Things seem to be going a little smoother as of late.  The exterior construction is still taking up far too much time and labour, curse you Ashton, wherever you are!  But food and drink production is on the rise.  Lots of reassignment to increase efficiency has been done.  The raw adamantine is being processed into strands then into wafers.  Soon we’ll see the fruits of that labour, and by Armok it shall be great!  I should tell the miners to mine as much of it as we can get our filthy dwarven hands on.

5th Malachite
Ah, some migrants have arrived.  Finally some more labour which isn’t assigned to this needless construction.  Most notable skills among the new additions are two surgeons and a siege engineer, I’m sure I’ll find a use for them.

13th Malachite
Mebzuth finally started actually making something after running around the fortress stealing supplies for a couple weeks... I wonder what it is.

17th Malachite
Mebzuth is finally acting normal again.  He came out of craftsdwarf workshop and presented me with a wooden figurine he calls Isanshukar, apparently means Stilltall... I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a joke or what.  Looks kind of nice though, could be worth quite a bit (OOC: Ashton neglected to mention that the Rinsedinks artifact that I previously posted when I was doing a bit of play-testing with Crewtowns was also created in his game and is also a large percentage of the fortress’ total value ^_^).

18th Malachite
Another peasant, Zas Vathsithoddom, has starved to death.  Turns out our previous leader’s constructions left a few dwarfs stuck on isolated ledges outside the fortress walls.  I better send a scouting party to check for any more before it is too late...

21st Malachite
I’ve discovered Ashton’s construction orders extend beyond the new exterior walls.  He had apparently ordered some masons to block up the north entrance, which they had only just got around to doing.  I don’t really know if I should tell them to undo their work... in my eyes the fewer entrances the better, but it does look incredibly defendable.  I think I’ll leave it as is for the time being.

7th Galena
We’re running out of raw adamantine, I’ve ordered the miners to start mining more.  Time to review our processed adamatine stocks and fine our best armoursmith.

12th Galena
Over the past few days I’ve been plagued with nightmares of daemons coming from the depths below... I’m not sure whether it holds any value, but I feel it may be connected with the mining of adamantine.  I’ve heard stories of dwarfs breaking into huge shafts within adamantine that lead straight to hell.  Maybe this is a sign... but we must mine adamantine, I shall not recoil in fear.  As previously mentioned, I’m a keen engineer, I shall design and construct fail-safes too allow the safe extract of this precious material...

21st Galena
An Encar caravan has arrived.  You know the drill lads, all crafts to the depot!  On a side-note, the fail-safe system has been designed and construction is well underway.  No daemon will prevent me from getting at that precious adamantine.

4th Limestone
Traded a ton of crafts with the Encar for all booze as well as iron armour and weapons for steel production alongside adamantine.

17th Limestone
Have begun melting down all the useless iron that we’ve traded for so that we can make some steel.

19th Limestone
Today marks the completion of the emergency fail-safe system to allow the safe mining of adamantine.  It is a controlled cave-in of the single passageway to the adamantine and it’s triggered by a lever hooked up in the lower dining room for quick access.  Now we can extract the adamantine faster and I can sleep soundly...

21st Limestone
Some more migrants arrived today, was too busy overseeing the mining of adamantine to question their skills.

26th Limestone
One of our furnace operators informs me that we have no flux so we cannot produce any steel.  No flux!?  They’re clearly not looking hard enough.  I tell a group of miners to be on the look out for some.

14th Sandstone
Another beast has appeared in the caverns below the fortress, it somewhat resembles a towering scaly tick, quite disgusting.  I have grown accustomed to their presence now that I know our subterranean defences hold well.  It can rot down there for all I care.

19th Sandstone
I am growing concerned with the new outer walls.  I  have ordered the construction of some new cage traps at the gates.  This will at least restore some security that the previous overseers had put in place before Ashton.  This way the fortress will have two lines of defence.  I still have not been able to determine where the control levers are for the outer wall drawbridges.  I may have to construct some myself.

27th Sandstone
The miners finally reported that they could not find any flux material within the area.  Steel production can’t commence until we have flux.  I don’t know how much adamantine there is but it’ll run out eventually.  We need steel, I hope the next caravan that turns up has some that we can trade for.

5th Timber
After assessing the cage trap issue, which is now firmly underway, I have noticed a massive build up caged goblins and other nasties.  I can’t see an easy way to empty them all, so I’m going to construct a cage recycling centre above the magma, under and east of the forges.

10th Timber
I have finally got around to addressing the lack of rangers in the ranged miltia squad, The Invisible Cloisters.  Turns out that the fortress has a number of well trained marksdwarfs, however it appears the previous overseer decided it was a good idea to reassigned every dwarf to be a peasant mason to work on his ridiculous construction projects.  I’m sure they feel better being back together in their old squad again.  The one exception is Bim Tulonromek, I’m sure he belonged with the rest of the rangers, but his skills in forging armour are legendary, as such, he’s the only dwarf I trust to work with the adamantine we’re mining.  In place of Bim I have assigned Aban Egultosid, as a new ranger recruit, hopefully his comrades can bring him up to speed.

13th Timber
The giant tick monster managed to fly over the underground defence walls and has made its way to the central staircase.  I’ve ordered the militia to assault it but it looks like the war dogs are tearing it a new one.

14th Timber
The militia got there in record time and began slicing it to pieces, but it was Nomal Dastotdatur that delivered the final blow with an almighty kick to the head that tore the brain apart.  No injuries at all.

Right after the attack from that monster took place, the goblins tried to ambush the fortress from the north.  However, the north had been sealed off by Ashton, which means they have to come through the new exterior gates, which the cage traps are still being installed.  I better send the militia to confront them before they get too close.

15th Timber
Ah, a caravan from Gemursarvesh has arrived.  Hopefully they carry some flux material we can use to kick-start our steel production.

16th Timber
Argh, another ambush, this time goblin archers coming from the south.  I better station the ranger squad in the courtyard as well.

17th Timber
Poor goblins.  The caravan came with a rather strong guard and we managed to assault from both sides at the same time, they didn’t stand a chance.  The goblin archers are still coming, we’ll see if they fair any better.

18th Timber
The ranger squad didn’t even get into position on the upper level before the caravan’s guardsmen charged down the goblin archers block and dodging their incoming arrows and then slaughtering them all in a few moments.

20th Timber
The caravan made it in safely and are unpacking their goods now.  I’ve ordered all crafts to the depot, ready.

1st Moonstone
Nothing... the traders had no flux whatsoever.  Instead I traded our crafts for anything steel I could get my hands on.  This is going to take a very long time.

14th Moonstone
Some of the lads have been concerned about Morul Shecedasob, he’s acting pretty peculiar and has withdrawn from society.  I better keep my eye on him.

15th Moonstone
Morul has taken over a craftsdwarf workshop and has been gathering supplies, I wonder what he’s up to.  This is the second time something like this has happened since I have been running this fortress, I wonder if it’s the stress...

10th Opal
Cage recycling area is now large enough to handle all captured creatures.  Will begin emptying all the cages into the magma chutes below.  I think I’ll station the militia nearby in case any try to escape.

12th Opal
Morul has finally finished collecting materials and has now started crafting something.  He still isn’t talking with anyone and won’t say what he’s making.

15th Opal
By Armok!  The smell is foul!  Wish I had a little more foresight in terms of ventilation before I started emptying all these trolls and goblins into the magma.  I have to keep telling the lads to make sure they close the door or the smell wafts around the entire fortress.

17th Opal
Ah!  Morul is finally talking to people.  He showed us the earring he crafted.  It’s very nice... if you’re into that kind of stuff.  It’s made from quartzite, encrusted with a blue garnet and has other interesting features.  He calls it Totmonnimak, meaning the flowery quill.  I asked why he called it that as it wasn’t a quill, he just stared at me and then wandered off..

27th Opal
It’s almost been a year running Crewtown.  Things seem to be going relatively smoothly now.  There’s plenty of food ‘n booze and we even have adamantine armour being crafted!  I’ve taken another shot at reviewing the tangled mess that are the militia’s schedules.  I think I’ve sorted it out now and I’ve got all squads busy training while there’s a bit of peace and quiet.  Unfortunately, the adamantine is running low.  It’s becoming harder to extract it without being too reckless.  Just cause the fail-safe is there, doesn’t mean we can be relaxed and stupid about the potential dangers.

12th Obsidian
An Auride caravan has arrived, let’s hope this one has more worthwhile goods.  The caravan is accompanied by a diplomat from Blavixaxus, I wonder what he wants.

20th Obsidian
Another goblin ambush, I’m not too worried now, all the new defences have been put in place.  I’ll deploy the militia in the courtyard just in case.

22nd Obsidian
The goblins had a second ambush up their filthy sleaves.  Some dwarfs were caught outside when they were trying to replace some cage traps.  I better order the militia for a frontal assault.

23rd Obsidian
A third ambush!?  This is getting ridiculous.  This one is coming from the east gate.  The militia are deployed to the north.  They’ve already made short work of the ambush out that way I’ll call back within the courtyard.

24th Obsidian
This clearly isn’t an ambush anymore... it’s a full on siege regardless of how it started.  Another mob of goblins have ambushed some dwarfs that went out to the north to reclaim equipment and replace cages.  I’m calling everyone within the walls and shutting the gates till this passes.

26th Obsidian
Against my wishes a few of the militia went out to confront the goblin archers to the north.  I feared for the worst but I have never seen such evasive agility.  Dodging and blocking arrows left, right and centre until the distance had been closed.  Then it was bloody murder... glorious.  All goblins have now either been slaughtered or captured and sent to the cage recycling facility, the latter will wish they died by the blade.  In the end there were only a few peasant casualties.

28th Obsidian
These traders didn’t have any usable flux either.  Traded for a load of steel items so that they can be melted down and reforged into proper weapons and armour.

1st Spring, 199
Well, it’s been a long year.  Running a fortress is tiring work, but I think I’ve done a good job considering the situation, especially with the those last ambushes.  I’ve decided to retire and pass on the ruling to another.  How you ask?  Well... I think I’ll go out the same way I came in.  At tonight’s weekly card game session, the stakes shall be the fortress leadership, haha!  I’ll have to make sure I intentionally lose, though.  Not sure I can do this for another year.  One of the last things that should be noted here was the hospital overhaul.  I’ve cleaned up the layout and have created adjoining rooms for six of the nine doctors.  Hopefully this should increase response time and save lives.

The following diagrams should help the next overseer in the running of the fortress.

Overview of the top of Crewtowns after Ashton's extension and some cleaning up by myself, note the north and east drawbridges.
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Drawbridge control levers next to the dining room below.
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Fail-safe system that triggers a controlled passageway collapse of the only route to the adamantine in case too much fun occurs.
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Cage recycling centre.  All caged creatures end up here, where they can be pitted with ease (zone already set) into the magma below.
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Hospital overhaul, looks a bit messy from old furniture still lying about but you can see the new doctors' quarters.
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Status of the fortress at the end of my rule. Loadsa food 'n booze! :D
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Final thoughts (OOC)
In addition to what is mentioned above. I have crafted a 10 full sets of adamantine armour and have been trying to undo the damage Ashton did (sorry to keep ripping on you ashton, but you reassigned like every dwarf for hauling, masonry and architecture only... do you know how long it took me to unscramble most of the mess? D:)

What still needs to be done?  Well, 11 more suits of adamantine armour need to be made if everyone soldier is to have some.  But you'll run out adamantine long before that.  There's still a lot of correcting of the job assignments... I really couldn't be bothered spending my turn (the last 10 months of Ashton's turn) correcting the mess he made in 2 months O.o ^_^  Other things that need to be done are things like creating more doctors' quarter near the hospital and... oh yea, you're going to need to address the living arrangements.  I didn't get around to that at all during my time, just let the migrants sleep wherever they could.  Also, Spish might like some lackeys back to dominate the corridors with his iron rule of justice as he's just in a squad of his own (Corridors of Power, fitting eh?)  I've never been that good with justice in my forts, but then again I don't seem to have issues with law and order like other people :D  One last thing is steel production, I keep trading for steel to melt down, which I never did.  So if anyone wants to start turning that useless steel crap into properly forged weapons, go for it.

Save file:

Have fun!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 03:00:56 am by Jargon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #229 on: September 29, 2011, 08:07:31 am »

Okay, just bumping again to say that we could use more players.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #230 on: October 02, 2011, 01:16:10 am »

Eh, feel free to take your time Jargon; there's no one after you anyway.

Although I quite look forward to my second shot at Crewtowns, personally.
Ah, yes, I thought something was amiss. Now I see. There's not enough terrible things in the lakes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #231 on: October 02, 2011, 01:17:51 am »

Sorry about the delay, DF crashed on me couple days ago and I lost 2 months D: *rages*

Actually working on the last 10 days as we speak :) trying to cram in as much as I can.

Will be done very soon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #232 on: October 02, 2011, 02:56:00 am »

Uploading now.

I've updated my previous post (and that's where the Crewtowns save will go when done).


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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #233 on: October 02, 2011, 03:01:38 am »

Uploaded! Who's next!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #234 on: October 02, 2011, 03:15:08 am »

been trying to undo the damage Ashton did (sorry to keep ripping on you ashton, but you reassigned like every dwarf for hauling, masonry and architecture only... do you know how long it took me to unscramble most of the mess? D:)

Aww... common it was only like 2/3 of them, besides there were plenty of the important peoples like miners, doctors + metalsmith's... then again that's generally how I run my fortresses: have as many as possible dedicated to construction whilst the rest just generally keep the fortress going  :'(  :'(  :'(
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #235 on: October 02, 2011, 03:23:23 am »

...then again that's generally how I run my fortresses: have as many as possible dedicated to construction...

What do you usually build with all those masons!?

Problem was that even though the masons were assigned to hauling as well, the hauling wasn't getting down due to the shear amount of construction.  I found things just weren't happening within the fortress.  Was really slowing things down D:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #236 on: October 02, 2011, 03:40:52 am »

...then again that's generally how I run my fortresses: have as many as possible dedicated to construction...

What do you usually build with all those masons!?

Problem was that even though the masons were assigned to hauling as well, the hauling wasn't getting down due to the shear amount of construction.  I found things just weren't happening within the fortress.  Was really slowing things down D:
Common, two months of being slightly slow vs a walled castle. Normally I'll build all the stuff in my fortresses 3d so the dining hall might be 8 Z's high with constructions running through them and I'll teraform outside and in the caverns a lot too, once the entrance to my fortress consisted of going up a stairway built into a mountain then going back the other way against a bridge then going down a tower which went down to the mgma sea through a hollow tube, a bunch of bridges went from the tower to the tubes walls which contained bedrooms, workshops ect. that was probably the most construction intense/miner deathtrap thing I did.
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #237 on: October 02, 2011, 03:54:34 am »

Another thing I noticed with Crewtowns is that the rock isn't that deep.  Goes down to around 110?  What's up with that?  My other fortress goes from around 140 to -20... why is Crewtowns so shallow?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #238 on: October 02, 2011, 08:03:32 am »

I was afraid this was going to happen. I was honestly hoping that we would be able to get some more players, but I guess not. In light of the lack of players to continue the fort, I will now start another 'loop.' Anyone who does not want another turn should say so and I will have their turns cancelled. May Armok help us all.

Edit: So after getting horribly confused with the fort's layout, and checking with Iki, we're both going to skip our turns. I'll let Yoink know he's next.
You're all not that attached to the fort, right?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 09:55:46 am by Michael_Almeida »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Crewtowns: A direforged succession game (Needing more players)
« Reply #239 on: October 02, 2011, 01:58:53 pm »

You dropped all our captured legendary beasts in the magma? Even the spider that ate the baron? WHY!? I had special plans for those...
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 02:11:14 pm by Spish »
Ah, yes, I thought something was amiss. Now I see. There's not enough terrible things in the lakes.
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