I stopped playing this game solo long ago, it's less frustrating that way and also more fun, when you can talk to someone while playing
For me playing duo is more frustrating. When I make mistakes I feel like I'm frustrating my friend so I get hung up on it, and that ends up frustrating me, and I start to make more mistakes. I guess getting over that takes more experience or something. Even in games where we do well and coordinate through good plays I still feel on edge.
Why did your partner ditch you?
No reason. That's the thing that upsets me.
We didnt play for a while, we both bought Town of Salem and were doing our Divinity - original Sin Playtrough. And he never asked to play LoL, and I was happy to get a little pause, the game can be infuriating after all.
Now, a few days ago he suddenly asked if I still played it, or if I was even willing to start playing again. I said yes, we could start anytime he wants to. Today I asked him to play a couple normals, just to get back into the swing of things. Then he revealed that he just reached Gold 2 and had played with another Duo partner, and he probably wouldnt play ranked with me anymore this season, because they want to reach Platin together.
I'm a little miffed, especially because it isnt the first time. He started a 5 man Ranked team maybe a year ago, and when I didnt play enough together with them, they just silently booted me out of it. Without a word. I mean, he could just say if I didnt play enough, isntead of just replacing me right away.
It also sucks because hes the only guy in my friend circle who regularly plays LoL. So I dont really have any backups. It's kinda sad, I was so thrilled to finally reach Gold and maybe go for Platin. And now that's all in the gutter.