Last hitting?
You mean like this?!
Trundle and I were having a last hitting competition. He was solo top and I was duo bot with the solo queuer vs Urgot and Alistar. D= So he had a massive advantage. even worse was that our Skarner died at level 1 and gave Urgot blue buff from level 2 all the way to level 5. So when we came out of laning at about the 20th minute, I was only 90 CS while Trundle had 170.
After that all I did was push bot to farm. Ignored everything. Farm farm farm farm farm. At first Trundle went back to helping our team because he was assured of his CS victory. But then he saw I was only 40 away from him, so he too started ignoring the team and just started farming top nonstop. So at about the 30th minute, our poor teammates were constantly fighting 3v5 while Trundle and I were farming all the time. But for some reason the enemy team really hated me, so they kept beelining to me every time I appeared in bot lane (hence me dying 7 times) while they ignored Trundle at top.
Then our team started to take baron. I was still at bot lane. Trundle was with our team at baron. The enemy went to intercept, I went to farm bottom. Our team was doing awesome kiting at baron when Trundle realized what I was doing and abandoned the teamfight midway through to farm top. The enemy were STILL fighting our three allies at baron. I already destroyed the bottom inhibitor. Was 10 CS away from Trundle. Enemy all died at baron 3v5. I was pushing the enemy nexus down and was neck and neck with Trundle. Then Trundle ran out of minions at top. In desperation he teleported to me at the enemy Nexus to steal my farm but no! Victory was mine!
I beat him by 1 minion. Wahahahahaa!!!!
The moral of the story is that don't be afraid to overextend to farm. Because farming is king. And the king is the one with the most CS!