I played with lvl 30s basically from my first game onwards, now I'm about lvl 24, but if I play on my own lvl i rather violently violate due to always playing with high elo friends normally. This has been made even worse when I switched to playing EU as well (lvl 1) to play with some German buddys - thats where my pentas come from. Still amazing to pull off, but if you are feed by clueless players its a real easy time.
>only last hit and haress gently (Meaning: I never use bursts or all skills, leaving them unaware just how much of there hp I can rip off in one move)
>They push into tower
>Drink Pots, Rip there face off, dominate for rest of game.
Had the most amazing moment with a pubby/randrom guy in dominions - we friended each other after that, it was amazing.
>Team fight in dominions, bot left point, closest to there base. 3 of our team die, me (blitzkrank) and teemo are left, vs 4 of them. 2 Cap the point, two come for us. We juke into the jungle, teemo starts going B, tryndamere shows up and trys to kill him > rocket grab trynd away at the last moment, right into a shroom - trynd turns on me, teemo blinds him, I knock him up with a fist, he dies to my ults passive damage and teemos autoattack.
Graves slides towards us, we both dodge the 3x shot he does, Teemo bails and places another shroom, I overdrive and lure graves after me into another shroom, he follows >knock him up, running right past him the moment he enters the grass, into his two teammates - (Malzahr and miss fortune) - I pop my ult, stoping theres (Malzahr was about to ult teemo who is eagerly attacking with his 200 or so hp (everyone lvl 10+) and interrupting MF ult, too. Graves dies, knock up MF, flash - rocketgrab malzahr away, so he can't LoS teemo, who lures MF into another shroom and blinds her for another kill, while I knock up malz and finish him.
Blitz + teemo with under 500 hp between the two of us, killing 4 champs with all well over half hp felt pretty boss, we just perfectly timed every attack and disable so they couldn't finish either one and where constantly forced into cc and shrooms.
Oh and my account name is Thtb.