Is it normal for a support (In this case Allistar) to have the highest deaths on a losing team? Seems like every time I play tank I end up throwing myself into the enemy in team-fights without my team dropping anyone. Then I get yelled at for feeding. :l
Grant this I've never played a game outside of random and I'm only level 9 so maybe it's just poor teams...
If you're not initiating right you'll die a lot. It may also be their fault, at low levels people dont' know how to initiate a teamfight. As you get more experienced you'll get a sense for the right time to go in and so will (most) of the people you're playing with.
Tanking is harder than it seems.
Also, just had the most rage-inducing match I've ever played.
Me (Cass), Lucky (Shaco), Bluerobin (Nidaree), Morde, and Shyvana vs Fiddle, Warwick, Nasus, Graves, and Maokai.
I dominate early game, kill Fiddle in lane once and a second time out of lane, kill people in other lanes, just killing people. I'm 7-0 before long.
Then the teamfights start, and as you'll notice we have no tank. You can guess what happened. Every fight the entire team dives me, and since I'm the only one that does any damage (Lucky is split pushing and the Shyvana sucks) we lose every teamfight.
We lose the game. Nasus says "lol i can 1v4 u" Fuck him, fuck graves, fuck the randoms, fuck everything.
Part of me wants to only 5queue because fuck randoms. Part of me doesn't want to 5queue because then we'll get a bunch of tryhards.