Ok, so far no one seems to be in love with the foundry - and I don't really blame them. I was kind of gathering that from previous posts, so it might be time for it to sit out this release, now that its function has been basically replaced by stockpile designations and the crystal growth tank. I'm normally hesitant to remove things from the mod because it causes some weird hiccups with those few of you who may be splicing LFR's entity files with other mods, but with the new integration of DFHack, I think I'll probably be discontinuing the raw-only release going forward.
Unfortunately, yes, that means that you will have to download the whole package deal instead of just the text files, but the instructions for installing the raw-only release now that DFHack has been integrated are getting so extensive that you'd probably be saving yourself a lot of effort just by waiting out a little longer download.
More DFHack information: LFR will come with its own dfhack.init file, so if you're using your own, you'll probably need to include at least the plugin calls from the LFR file. Binary patches and a few useful tweaks are enabled by default. Of course, if you're writing your own dfhack.init files (or plugins, as the case may be), you probably could have figured that out on your own. Ritual units and mechanical constructs rely on autoSyndrome to work properly, and paragons rely on both autoSyndrome and trueTransformations. Runes rely on addSpatter.
In the future, I'd like to put together an executable with a GUI that allows you to toggle the optional components without needing to drag files around on your own, but I'm not nearly as proficient at real code as opposed to DF code, so that might be a ways down the road.
finish and test runesmith's workshop and associated reactions
update lfr_ritual_reference
paragon manual entries
adventure mode runesmithing