I was starting with a pale stick and a dark hide (see the middle of the hide for the starting color), and then hit the hide with some 10% white progressively as it went to the edges, and it just happened to come out the same color as the frame. It was kind of a mistake, but I can fix that pretty quickly.
Actually, color has been problematic on these farmers - everything is brown or green or gray, including the shirts and tail and hair of the nagas, so it's hard to get that necessary contrast without doing some color weirdness.
I'll redo the glass pipe, then. I'll need to move the arm to do it, which was what I was avoiding for consistancy, and to make it a mostly "hat-based" swapping system, but I'm already making exceptions, anyway.
It might wind up looking like she's smoking a hookah afterwards, though... (And a naga with a hookah... now I'm thinking of that caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland...)
Anyway, I'll get the farmers done... *scurry* *scurry* now.
OK, from left to right and top to bottom, we have
- generic farmer
- cheesemaker (that's a wheel of chese, not a Super Mario Bros. fireball)
- milker (is the bucket prominant enough?)
- cook
- thresher
- miller (millers do wheat, threshers do other plants, which is why the thresher has a green plant (probably rope reed, but you don't put that in a bag), and they have a bag which is hard to see, yes, but the focal point is the plant in the other hand, anyway. I couldn't make a brown or gray or green bag with all those colors represented, so maybe it's a leather bag?)
- tanner (with new tanning frame for hides)
- dyer (always a funny sounding job title... that's a white cloth she has in her hands that is turning blue around the tub of dye... it kind of fades into her undertail, but is it a problem?)
- planter (with the triumphant return of the hoe from way back as one of the first sprites)
- herbalist (with bag... mushrooms are fine, right?)
- brewer (Who very much enjoys her job. The cask isn't a distraction, is it? I could wipe that out, and just make it the wine glass. It kind of looks better with just the wine glass, but then, she's more a drinker than a brewer...)
- soap maker (soap is kind of indistinct...)
- potasher (shovel of ashes)
- lye maker (I had no idea what a lye leeching still looked like, had to look it up)
- wood burner (too literal? alternate is just a log, or a log on a shovel)
- shearer
- spinner (I do like how that wheel turned out)
- presser (too simple?)
I tried to make a big floppy peasant hat, but it didn't work so well, so I made one of those conical straw Asian farmer hats, and that worked better. I then thought it was stupid to make cooks wear the same straw hat, so I wound up making basically two different types of farmer head styles. Except I already used the yellow bandana thing before with woodworkers - oops. At least the woodworkers have red hair to keep them apart.
EDIT: OOPS! Accidentally put some items in the wrong layer - herbalist, tanner, and planter need tools.
Also, I think Girlinhat has drifted off to go play another game, recently. She hasn't posted here in about a week, and was talking about a different game before, so...