I think hearth secrets are still a thing, you just can't spawn onto them. Which in turn means that we should still be able to kin each other/party and then have arrows pointing at where everyone is. At least I desperately hope so... otherwise yeah finding each other will be nearly impossible.
Also re:Brickwall, I think last server my town had a brickwall up in.... three weeks from the start of the server? Maybe a little less, but we as a group REALLY worked hard towards building one.
Provided we work together to get a main town/worksite walled in with brick quickly, than we can at least cook down more steel there for others.
I would like to join the village if I can. Although, school is starting again so I'll be active when I can but I can't guarantee every day.
I'd like to join the village too, but I doubt I can start right away on the 21st.
Both of these are fine, were you looking to live and work with others or do more of your own thing?
I'll probably like to have 3-4 people who are fairly active with diverse skill interests working directly together with me, and then everyone else can have their own plots/lands/camps ect nearby.
I find it funny even here we must protect ourselves against griefers/gankers... Sad because this leads to lack of trust to people who might be nice, but a required thing to survive...
That game seriously needs a better security somehow... Yeah, I know, that's why the brick walls are for, but... I never managed to build them. Next time, my steel smelters will be underground! (they seem to atract a lot of unwanted attention.
I agree, but two of the four bay12 villages I have been apart of have died because we accepted someone who was 'barely known, or rarely posted' or were just a plain old fresh account who than turned out to be apart of a long standing group, revealed when their real friends showed up and slaughtered us all after they opened the gates from the inside.
Also, yeah the first steel smelters should probably be underground, but if we can get steel going in the first week or two than it won't matter. No one should be able to palibash that early, if that's even still a thing.