Manic Sandwich Voyage
I can see how it would make a great game for this. You set out, with a team of adventurers, in search of the fabled sandwiches of godly deliciousness. You have a limited supply of sandwiches, and if they run out for too long, you lose. You, the leader, would have low levels in every skill, while each of your minions would be specialized in a few areas, but have *no* skill in others. That way, it would be far more efficient to delegate the work to those who can do it best. There would be many obstacles, from oceans to mountains, each with different ways to overcome them. The world would be infinite and procedural from the starting seed. At any time, you could stop the party and settle down, perhaps permanently(as a way to end the game with a score bonus), as long as you can get farming set up to prevent your sandwich supply from rnning out.
If you play for long enough, some of your characters might experience old age, potentially to the point of death, but that can be counteracted by finding an elusive Sandwich Of Youth, that would reset their age(removing any old-age debuffs), but not their stats, to the start of their peak ability. Your goal would be to find as many Sandwiches Of Power as possible, especially Greater Sandwiches Of Power, to increase your score before retiring. You can probably train someone to become a sandwalchemist, one skilled in the art of the preparation of Sandwiches Of Power, but unlikely to make anything beyond Lesser Sandwiches Of Power except in a VERY long and successful game, especially considering that even the lowest Sandwich Of Power requires high quality, rare, ingredients.
Well, now I have an idea for the gameplay, I'll just need a basic text displaying engine before I start. That means either writing my own (for a different project) and re-using it, or finding one of those popular roguelike libraries and using it.