Empower armour... WITH METAL!

You strike a few well chosen chords.

Suddenly the armor looks more
>Have existential crisis at the implications of your image being behind door one.
>Open Door 2.
Recruit picture self as third member of SMITH METAL band.

Oh no, not these thoughts again... wait, if you are controlled by uncaring gods, does that mean that you get these thoughts
because the gods want you to have them? AAARGH DOUBLE CRISIS!

You reach for door 2, but it is too high up. It looks a little torn. Probably because whoever - or whatever - opened it was a little sleepdrunk at the time.

You grab your trusty
Axe, move over to door 1, and cut it off.

Quite a handsome fellow, if you may say so.
Build tower to uncaring gods to show you have a mind of your own.

You'd love to build a tower, but there isn't a lot of materials left after building the
Battle Platform.
Strike down the evil Armour Stand!
No, strike down the helmet part only!
We must use the armor to save the king!
Weapon rack, spear cart thing, armor stand... CAHOOTS! STRIKE IT DOWN BUT BE STOPPED BY IT'S ARMOURYNESSS! Then call it a worthy partner and ask it join Smith Metal.

Axe chops apart the helmet effortlessly, but the armor stand survives, therefore it must be awesome. Looks like
Smith Metal has a new member!
Thank you for reminding me how much I love LEGOs.
Also, I'm not sure if we should reforge the armor into a cape or combine it with the robot to make an armored (and hopefully more mobile) robo-king.
Yeah, second one. Improve Robo-King.

You start reforging the king.

His legs now look a lot more realistic.

And just in time, as today's gift appears. It's the
Queen! ...and a
"Oh, hello dear!" the Queen says. "I was just wondering where you were."
Your decoy seems to have fooled her.
>Open door 6?

Behind door 6 is a picture of the armor stand. You are not sure whether the implications of this should give you an existential crisis.