Generally, death is something you want to avoid in general.
Yes, but we're talking about ISIS and their equivalents in other faiths. If there ever was anyone who deserved to die it's them.
Generally, when it's convenient, I prefer the idea of trying to take them alive and lock them up forever to prevent any sort of martyr bullshit, but that's only when there's an option between that and killing them.
No, no, I meant that failing to keep them separated will increase civilian casualties and collateral damage.
Maybe if you could take away all their cool toys so they can't wipe out everyone nearby, but if we could, introducing ISIS to other crazies would just be for entertainment, because the situation would already be under control.
It would allow us to thin out these vermin without committing ourselves to another expensive military campaign.
And the Islamic State is like America; its leaders and followers are convinced that everywhere is their dominion.
You're ignoring an important distinction. Unlike god, the United States nuclear arsenal is most definitely real. The almighty and everlasting bomb.
Almighty and everlasting B
OMB came down among us to make Heaven on Earth. He decendeth from the outermost part of Heaven and there is nothing hidden from the heat thereof. There are neither words nor language, but all the world can hear his voice. Glory be to the B
OMB, and the the holy fallout, as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever shall be. Amen. Amen. Amen.