Toying around with the graphical KeeperRL that was just kindly released for free , i started to make my lair .
After making several structures and having my imps mining lots of ores and gold, i got myself with 6 orcs , 2 goblins and 1 healer when a bandit squad decided to attack due to my gold stockpile increasing after mining a good amount of them.
The orcs have been training for a while and i had crafted equipment so i was sure i was ready.
My healer was unfortunately stuck outside, i guess it was a mistake to build this rock trap where i did (basically blocking the entrance corridor, but i didn't knew how to remove it)
The healer bravely charged at the bandit group that was approaching and got himself immediately killed.
I assigned the 6 orcs and my keeper into a squad and took control of the keeper (he had some spells by now) , i waited and waited for the enemy to break my doors but no bandit came.
Leading my warband outside i noticed why, the rock trap i had build in the middle of the corridor had left corpses all over when the big rock rolled in there.
After this victory , i decided it was time to try to get into an unsuspecting village , to loot and possibly capture some people.
As there was the presence of a " ? " nearby, the orc warband went there following their master in the hope it was something worthy of attention.
There was a house and some crops , a villager was working, when he saw what was coming he tried to flee, but the orcs managed to get to him and kill the poor bugger quickly.
I noticed castle walls on the left of the house , so with my little army i circled the castle until the entrance and i got my keeper to start hammer the big doors, the goal was to break it , then move back and leave the orcs do the carnage while supporting them with magic missile.
Sadly i did the usual mistake when you have a very repetitive action to do, you just hold or repeatedly press the move key so the unit hammer the door multiple time, then you look at something else, not noticing that the door is destroyed and that as you keep pressing the key ... the keeper charged into the castle.
After getting seriously badly wounded, i tried to have my keeper run toward my orcs that were left behind.
Unfortunately it was too late, the very strong swordman and his fellow soldiers finished the keeper foolishness in a brutal way.