A new adventure of F.A.L.L.E.N! This is a mighty read!
an hourlater, a IAA agent asks whats up, I tell him I am making guns and seeliing theeem! :D
He was piissed, but he did nothing, and I bring loads of guns in box's to escape.
Next round, I am the MALF AI! I decide "Lets just hack all of the APC's and lay low.
I immedaitly scream" INTRUDERS ALERT INTRUDERS ALERT!" and say they stole the nukedisk, by emagging there way from teleporter, to caps office,Since i had no borgs, nothing really happened besides me bolting shit.
BUT A SEC OFFICER BARGES IN AND INTO THE TELEPORTER TOOO SPPACE!((He lives though, got in a space suit and jumped out, went back into Tcomms, where he gets back
I then Detonate Supermatter, by turning on the emitter.
I then broke Tcomms, via overloading the Hub.
CE gets nosey, I let him in, he gets crushinated by my door, THe medic notices the pain of the CE and asks to get in, she gets in, brings the CE's body to Cryo, I promtly use explode machine on cryo,CE gone, And borgs are built!
And then I DELTA!and before that i det'ed the Chemits place and robotics machine((after haxing them))
Cue me going into the HOPS office, crush the sec officer, and then state my laws, and delta.
After the crew fails to do anything, I say there all gonna be slaves to syndicates!
I wanted to detonate a airlock, causing space, but I accidentily hit explode.
My last words as AI was "DING HOTPOCKETS ARE DONE"As the entire station was ingulfled in a nuclear flame.
Killing everyone but the few people at Prison station, I locked out Mining and science outpost.