Further gift problems.
See, I originally wanted a chemistry kit at $200, but we have no time left to buy it here. So, I went to Target and got myself X-COM: Enemy Unknown premium edition and a $50 Steam Card.
My dad said I already had some Steam money and that was too much money for 'little internet games', so I had to choose the card or X-COM.
I chose X-COM.
He says that the computer is for only one person, and that is making me lonely, and when friends come over they can't do anything (when they come over. Seriously, only happens once every blue moon coincides with a supermoon when Venus and Pluto align). He also says this makes me egoistical.
I could try to explain to him, but I have no idea how to do it without either:
1. Coming off as antisocial
2. Having him take away my computer and internet rights.
So I ask for DnD. It's a social game all right, and there's stores nearby.
"You already have that."
"No, I have slightly less than the bare minimum needed to play."
"And it's already too complicated. Nobody will play that with you.
Instead, let me get you a PS4 with new games! You can play that with friends!
So, now I guess my dad's gonna waste a lot of money on a gift I don't really want.
Try to explain how DnD helps?
It's a pretty strategy game that utilizes the mathematical, cognitive and inter-social mannerisms of the mind!
Also, it invokes your creativity!
Also you get to complain about how gravity kills everything but not blame gravity itself.
And you could debunk the 'its too complicated' thing there. Like say its a challenge I want