So I had this dream last night, where I was, to my surprise, being held hostage in a Mormon church and about to be fed to a shoggoth-like bird-demon. I inexplicably managed to escape (dream logic!), only to witness armed forces rounding up random people on the street, arresting and shooting them. I again managed to make my way out of the situation with a bunch of fellow, clueless people, wandering aimlessly through the streets and hiding from the death patrols. Just when I realized that I was, in fact, in my Hometown, I lost them and made my way alone into the woods (my hometown is 90% woods). Confident that I saved my sorry ass from the fundamental Christian murder squad I stumbled upon a ragtag group of armed misfits, apparently equipped for the zombie apocalypse, being led by a bearlike guy, wearing a prominent, red mask that covered half his face, framing his shiny beard of glory. They took me as one of their own and provided me with food and shelter. That's when the dream ended.
While it was definitely a nightmare, I'm very anxious to continuing this dream tonight. These are the dreams I'm having when I'm actually sober, so no use blaming drugs on them (to be honest, the damage is already done). Maybe I just consumed too much Metal, Lovecraft and gory Zombie fiction. But who am I kidding?
It's healthy to express your anger and you can thank me later for doing so on here instead of, as I originally intended, by punching someone's fucking bleached teeth in. It's all fun and games until the quiet guy loses it.