Speaking of Apple, has anyone heard about that whole 'rectangle with rounded corners' thing? That really made go 'WTF?'. Or more accurately, 'Dafuq?'.
The lawsuit wasn't really about rounded corners, that's a joke.
The actual issues in the Samsung case involved several patents covering the overall design and “trade dress” of the iPhone and iPad and three Apple “utility” patents that cover specific software behaviors. One covers the bounceback behavior of screen objects when you try to scroll beyond the edge of the display. A second concerns how the device differentiates between a one-finger scroll gesture and a two-finger move gesture. The third covers tap-to-zoom, which expands objects in the display centered on the point of the tap.
Samsung made a post-trial statement that said: ““It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies.”
This claim was a gross exaggeration that was swallowed whole by many writers, thus perpetuating the 'rounded corners' myth.
although there was something to due with rounded corners in the lawsuit, but it wasn't just about rounded corners, one of the patents they said they stole, was USD593087, abbreviated D'087
http://www.google.com/patents/USD593087as you can see, it lists quite a bit more than rounded corners,
and of the devices they claimed violated the patent, only 2 of them were found to actually have infringed upon it.
although this blown out of proportion statement about the lawsuit ONLY being about rounded corners, started by Samsung themselves hurts Apples reputation, even though it isn't true.