LEFT TUNNEL: You make the Primpsk drones offer the fruit, along with saying a few words (More like grunts) from their genetic memory. Bizarrely, it actually works. Congratulations, you now have even more Primpsk drones at your disposal. (RANDOM.ORG likes you, this time...) Mind you, you have to slaughter the merchants and whatnot, so that they don't cause a fuss or anything.
Two more tunnels branch off from this cavern. One of them presumably leads to the same place as the central tunnel (Though it is hard to tell underground.)
CENTRAL TUNNEL: You tell the Schoolbus to block the tunnel until reinforcements arrive. You did send reinforcements, right? (Generic drones, or do you want to do something special?)
RIGHT TUNNEL: You seed the diggers to wall off the right tunnel. Now what?
ABOVEGROUND: You finally set off the blimps, to further infect the surface. Additionally, you create some baby Primpsks, to passively scout the uninfected Primpsks. Mind you, it would be best to find a place that wasn't being attacked by you.
Advanced Scuttler: Stong, armoured, built to kill. Has incredibly fast, shrimp claws.
Scuttler: Armoured. Good all around. Shoots poison.
Gatherer: Make to collect and process DNA.
Light-bulb drone: Gives off light. Fast, but otherwise useless.
Scuttler Tank: Highly armoured. Not very fast.
Schoolbus: Carries crabs. Gives of light. Very large and heavily armoured.
Digger: Digs. Builds walls. Otherwise useless.
Primpsk drone: A Primpsk you control.
Primpsk Scout: Passively infects and scouts.
A reptile walking on two legs with two arms. Possessing opposable digits and the poison we use already in the blood. You said we have gathered things with the spy network, and I was under the assumption that we had probably gathered a reptile of some sort, and I should've written more about it. I actually added some to it when I wrote it here, but the biped was the original idea.
Sorry, a better question would be why?