Standing armies are interesting but the game still needs a "rally point" system where you can just pick a spot for your levies to clump at and will move automatically if there are no enemies in the way. Playing as England, Scotland or Ireland and trying to attack mainland Europe is just painful without it.
What are you doing that needs rally points? Unlike EU/Vicky all your troops are "built" at the same time, and no more can be expected for a decent chunk of time.
When you get to the Empire tier and you're trying to get your army to attack another massive blob it can be really tedious. If you play as the British Isles you have to first get all your units into a clump, then you have to get them to board the ship and finally move them over to the land. When you're doing this with quite literally hundreds of units it tires quickly. Not to mention that some wars can drag on for so long you can have levies regenerate back home which you have to ferry over.
Playing a combined Arabia/Hispania Muslim empire and attacking a French/HRE alliance was a painful example of this. So many armies to move onto boats, so much micromanagement. Defensive battles lack a lot of these problems though.
Also hopefully no more whack-a-peasant-rebel.
This on the other hand is fairly historical- peasants would often revolt without any support from neighboring lands whatsoever. Occasionally as little a 1 village would rise up. Although if not crushed, rebellions would get additional power along the way as new discontents joined them.
Yeah it's realistic that peasants should rise up from time to time but they're almost never a problem unless you're really man-starved from wars. Usually all you have to do is raise the levies of the provinces around it and smash them. I would prefer it was more of a province modifier rather than a EUIII-esce rebel stack. You either either send your marshal to suppress it or if he's on a very important mission just have some units sit on the province or just ignore the whole thing all together.
Rome expansion, sweet! My favorite nation get's just what it needs by the look of it.
If they just added a hotkey to put all selected troops on boats it'd be perfect.
There's a hotkey for an army on a coast with a docked navy to enter the boats. It doesn't help for provinces that are landlocked or can produce very little galleys however.