Dont you think x should be added to the list of keybindings?
Ah, yeah, if you are talking about the manual page, I haven't added an adv key for a while, and totally forgot. It'll be in 0.31.10.
To be sure, the only knapping product currently is sharp rocks?
Yeah, I didn't get to the scrapers, chisels and daggers that we might end up having when we get to clothes-making. I thought I would be able to squeeze in a little bit more back when I added it, but it ended up being just the lone thing, sadly.
Hmm, got it to crash as I was trying to select training ammo for my lone crossbowdwarf in the military screen. Was this a pre-existing bug? I vaguely remember having heard of it.
There have been crashes floating around that screen, but it's possible we've got a new one too. Hopefully reproduction steps will find their way to the tracker over time.
Anyone else have their macros run /really/ slowly?
I changed MACRO_MS from 15 to 150 in the init, as part of the fixes that Baughn did to some bug there, but I'm not actually sure what the number should be. You could try changing it and see if it makes a difference. If this is the right variable and there's a rough consensus for some default, we can set it to whatever.
Changing SHOOT_MAXVEL from the crossbow entry from '1000' to '30' results in slightly more reasonable behavior.
30 is slower than a punch in the game, and 1000 is much faster (I think they are usually around 70 to 100? I'd have to go check again), and I don't think it is getting reduced much below 1000 by the bolt weight, if at all, though the force parameter should do something there. I'm not sure what an average punch speed is compared to a bolt speed in real life, but if we had sensible values there we could locate the other problems in the system more efficiently, since the velocity is one of the things that is easier to treat as an absolute starting point.
Any news on .10 ? Will it still come "tonight"?
I'm almost done with it. Mac compile is ongoing. That usually takes about an hour. The rest of them are ready, then I just need to upload/etc. I probably shouldn't say it'll be up soon unless something weird happens, because last time I said that the forum got blasted.
So, what's next on your plans, Toady?
Sleeping myself will be an important part of it, but I'll probably write something up on the dev log about the next-next release. I've got email catch-up and other B12 stuff to do that is piling up, so it might be pretty quiet for a few days, unless some of it continues to get put off.