I'm going to pull my head out of my trousers and try again.
I used to think that people were generally bad, hypocritical, whatever, and then I came to realize that not only was I living under constraints that made it hard to be super good all the time (it's not like high school, where there's a pretty short list of things you need to do in order to be a Good Kid), but that it seems really like the wrong thing to do to run around drawing attention to yourself and shouting "Hey, look at me, I'm a really awesome person!" Because I tend to be a person with low self-esteem I'm in this direction, which is something I'm not proud of but I don't really know how to fix.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think most people are much better, much deeper, much greater than you'd get from a snap judgment, but if they're also anything approaching humble then you wouldn't necessarily know about it. This realization led me to stop looking so much at the little things other people are and are not doing and try to just pay attention to myself, and what I can do. For example, I am trying to learn to assume good faith, because I'm kind of tired of interacting with others like a damaged person.
I can't speak to other people on this board, but my feeling is that most of the people here are honestly "good enough" and most of the people in the world are "good enough." There's morality that's pretty solid, pretty absolute in everyday life. Don't torture, don't abandon children, stick by your friends, don't kill, don't rape. Most people manage to stay away from that stuff. And then there's this really big gray area where we all have different opinions about what's right and what's important, and that's where most of us live--in this space where we honestly don't know the answer, but we're trying really hard to do the right thing, even though we often end up being wrong. These people aren't really worth condemning for having what comes out of their mouth and what they do be different, because they weren't trying to speak out a thesis, they were just saying "hey, this is what I think right now," and then maybe they change their mind, or they just didn't have the resources to do the better thing. Being a martyr for a cause isn't necessarily a positive, you know? Sometimes the great thing is just deciding to enjoy life. Sometimes the great thing is just saying "okay, when I get drunk, I won't hit my kids," and that's really honestly good enough.
So, what I'm trying to say is that regular life is complex enough that, at least for me, I don't feel like an absolute sort of judgment is possible. I feel like we're good enough around here. We argue in good faith, we try to do what's right, we listen to moderation, usually when we fuck up it's because we just weren't paying enough attention or felt like having a little fun without thinking about the consequences, not because of any ill will.
tl;dr: exactly what SalmonGod said.