Yeah, you never seem to get accurate depictions of brainiacs on TV or in movies. I have a bit of a pet peeve for this myself.
Bones is a big one for me since it's something that has wound up on TV a lot when we eat dinner. There's a lot about the show that's unrealistic (such as that 3D holographic viewing board that is something out of frigging Star Trek), but the way brainy characters are depicted in the show bothers me, like the way in which they often completely fail to use basic logic.
Let's take a look at Bones herself. She will at times talk about how your physical appearance shouldn't matter, and that's it doesn't make sense to go around changing it... while being immaculately groomed, and wearing half an inch of Hollywood make up. She also talks with a stilted speech, she uses complex and obscure words, likes to pull out scientific words and commonly obfuscates her speech, but she speaks in a very slow, elegant manner, that makes her sound a little like Queen Elizabeth if she'd gotten a little bit too drunk. For goodness sake, I'd expect someone like her to ramble, to mumble, to rant, to randomly say things that make no sense because you don't have all the pieces of her internal narrative!
There's also the whole idiot ball issue. Bones shows knowledge on a very wide range of subjects, but she apparently doesn't know hundreds of little common knowledge facts that Booth will tell her about in order to prove that he's "street smart". There's also times when Bones, or sometimes even the entire team of brainiacs will start to come up with a very complex solution to a problem, which Booth will solve in a very straightforward, simple, way that anybody could have come up with.
I swear, if the killer's name were scrawled on the wall I'd expect Bones to start analysing out loud the anthropology of the name in order to determine the probably ethnicity so that then they coul- then Booth will cut her off mid-sentence with the address of the killer which he pulled out of a phone book that just happened to be sitting on the table...
Then he would have to explain to her what a phone book is.
It's like someone explained to these people what this kind of person is supposed to be like, and they completely scrambled the message.