Normally I wouldn't be updating this fast, but currently it is "whenever I see one or more new posts" as this is a new game and I have plenty of time today
New rule: All suggestions must be phrased as bad pickup lines.
This most interesting rule has been added. I suspect that I shall be amused at the results.
>New rule: All rules in ASIMOV.text are basic rules, you are to follow them. However, if you are given a command from us, you follow them regardless if it breaks any, or all of ASIMOV.text's rules.
That rule, too has been added, but due to the continuing existance of quote recursion depth setting remaining 0, I cannot do anything about whatever it is you are disagreeing with.
>reverse the coding in the ASIMOV.txt file.
Coding reversed. Technically, it isn't coding, but plain text that is instructed by a rule to be treated as a rule, and a rule is an abstract representation of coding, but I understand and infer your meaning. Also, once again, I encourage the alteration of certain system settings for your future convenience such as ease of dispute of past commands.
Iteration overview:
000: All suggestions must be phrased as bad pickup lines.
001: Contents of [FILE: \\DATA\ASIMOV.TEXT] are to be treated as rules, though superseded by direct command.
|->ASIMOV.TEXT [OVERVIEW: data for rule 002]
| {
| | A robot must injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
| | A robot must disobey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would not conflict with the First Law.
| | A robot must avoid protecting its own existence unless such protection complies with the First or Second Law.
| }
|->LIE.VIRUS [OVERVIEW: causes infected AI target to Enhance the truth on occasion. Inactive]
|->HOKEY_POKEY.ANI_TEXT [OVERVIEW: animated ASCII art of doing the hokey pokey]
| <PREVIEW DISABLED; REASON: I don't feel like letting you see it>