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Would you like feces in game

YES! (i would use it)
NO! (i would not use it, and i think it is pointless/unethical/gross etc.)
yes, but i would dissable it if it was an init option (all yes voters are assumed to be for an init option, only vote here if you think it should be included but you would not use it)

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Author Topic: Feces vote  (Read 45435 times)


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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #345 on: June 06, 2010, 03:53:10 am »

 Thanks!  I worried that I rambled a bit, honestly.
Ph地glui mglw地afh Cthulhu R値yeh wgah-nagl ftaghn

Askot Bokbondeler

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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #346 on: June 06, 2010, 08:42:53 am »

anybody played fallout? remember modoc?

Fallout 1? Never gotten into the game far enough to figure out who or what that is. Explain?

fallout 2, there's a quest where you put a bomb in an outhouse, and when it explodes, it covers the town in....stuff. just to provide an example of an excellent game that actually had a crap joke, and didn't became widely known for that
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 10:13:01 am by Askot Bokbondeler »


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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #347 on: June 06, 2010, 09:49:01 am »

anybody played fallout? remember modoc?

Fallout 1? Never gotten into the game far enough to figure out who or what that is. Explain?

fallout, there's a quest where you put a bomb in an outhouse, and when it explodes, it covers the town in....stuff. just to provide an example of an excellent game that actually had a crap joke, and didn't became widely known for that
Yeah, in fallout 1/2 it was always described as "biomass" or "goo" when you looked at it.


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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #348 on: June 06, 2010, 09:56:03 am »

Also sorry for being a grammar nazi, but it's spelt "civilization".

It'd be a spelling nazi, not grammar, and civilisation is the British spelling of it (like faeces).  Ironic, since you yourself used spelt instead of spelled, both of which are correct, but spelt is less commonly seen.

5: Um... ew? I know cow poop was used as plant fertilizer, but feces used for tanning, and urine for bleaching?! Well yes, bodily functions are, in a way, used a lot, it gives the meaning "waste not, want not" a... higher standing.

For tanning, both urine and dung were used.  The urine was used to facilitate removing the hair from the hide; the dung was, ironically, used to remove the alkaline solution that was used to help remove the hair (i.e., the urine).
Urine can also be used for fertilizer (high nitrogen content).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #349 on: June 06, 2010, 11:10:52 am »

5: Um... ew? I know cow poop was used as plant fertilizer, but feces used for tanning, and urine for bleaching?! Well yes, bodily functions are, in a way, used a lot, it gives the meaning "waste not, want not" a... higher standing.

Hey, it's gross, but needs must, you know?  And it isn't just cow faeces (thanks Ilmoran, I'd been using the Americanised version without realising!).  My MIL uses the excrement for her chickens, heavily diluted; it forms a very potent fertiliser if used carefully.  The truth is, faecal matter is a very dense source of energy, since few animals are very efficient at extractin nutrients from food.  Hence why many species of animals live off of sewage.  Rabbits are particularly notable that, having to live off of grass and plants like cows but lacking the additional stomachs to maximise nutrition output, they habitually consume their own leavings.

These links may prove interesting...

They each have a section covering some basic uses for bodily waste through history.  Did you know white phosphorous was originally discovered through examination and experimentation with urine by alchemists trying to transmute it into gold?

« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 11:25:19 am by Bunny »
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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #350 on: June 09, 2010, 01:55:01 pm »

I voted yes.  Bunny and Nikov, on the last page, summed up went on a great length about generally what I want out of such a system.  I would add just a few things, however -

We don't just have vomit and blood. 

We already have people modding in things like Goblin Fortress, where there were custom-built strap-on-dildos, and using tentacle demons as sex slaves.  Nobody proposed we take away the raws so that we couldn't mod in such things.  It was, in fact, quite the popular, if controversial, idea.

We already have not simply chaining up merfolk so that they could factory-breed them and then slaughter their infants, people came up with ideas to use a drawbridge to catapult infants into spikes, and then decorate the forced breeding/rape rooms with the totems of their own infant's skulls.

We already have elven torture chambers with people tossing ash and vomit and dead animal parts into a pit with elves.  Is this REALLY made THAT much worse with "waste"?

In fact, one of the first, most popular mods to come out with the new 0.31.01 was "Succubus Mod", where there were succubi that made "attacks" with excretions from their breasts, as well as incubi and other, similar sexually-based attacks.  Nobody would have said that we should be disallowed from being able to mod creatures with extracts or the like, however.

In all of this, people kept playing Dwarf Fortress, and simply ignored, or were ignorant of, the parts they did not like.  I really have trouble seeing how we would somehow bring out a worse crowd with the "LOL POOP!" than we would with the "LOL BOOBIES!" or similarly childish gratuitous blood, violence, or cruelty potential in this game, or ability to make giant phallic-shaped monuments to your own immaturity.  What is this?  It's OK to have dwarves eating pancreas or making blood temples or modding in boob-guns, but not OK to have a working sewer system because someone would make poop jokes?  What, are we 13 year-olds who are trying to make fun of how immature the 9 year-olds are?

The whole argument strikes me as the sort of thing people would make a huge fuss over before it happened, and would then completely die out once people got used to it.  After all, there's a reason why not even the 13-year-olds make "LOL poop" jokes (and go on to "LOL BOOBIE" jokes for a while, instead) - they get very old, very fast.

With that out of the way, I'd like to say why I support this, and my proposal for "tastefulness - It goes hand-in-hand very well with the changes I've argued for in the farming system, where soil needs to have its minerals replinished.  A sewage system, combined with a "worm farm" workshop to break the waste down into usable soil that can fertilize farms that have deminishing crop yields until they are re-fertilized. 

It also addresses a little pet peeve of mine, where the farming system completely ignores the Conservation of Mass - crops are infinitely magicked into existence from a single patch of mud, and once consumed, food is immediately annihalated from existence.  Any game proposing to call itself realistic should at least try to maintain a semblance of continuity of matter. (Arguments over stone walls being turned into stones or gravel or just dissapearing for another day.)

I would also say that we should have a more general type of material called "waste", which could be treated like a fluid, as well as like a contaminant (this would pretty much be required for a working sewer, unless we make some weird and entirely seperate system).  Waste doesn't even have to be bodily waste - it can be the flakes of oxidizing metal from dwarven equipment, the portions of the food they didn't eat (as they already toss aside turtle shells and seeds on the floor of their dining areas, they now toss aside "waste" as well), dust, skin flakes, loose hair, torn scraps of clothing, what body parts rot into, and generally just trash of a more-or-less biological nature.  Yes, there will still be latrines, but there could also be other sources of random filth requiring some actual janitors, regardless.

This could also be a bit of a call for a degree more depth in the miasma system - waste can create miasma, as it is something that smells and rots, but it would be nice to have a miasma system with different degrees of how wretched the stench gets, as well as allowing for actual health penalties at certain concentrations of miasma.  (Likewise, it plays well into the oxygen depletion / good or bad air suggestions that I have supported in the past.)  Sewers, then, would be best used with an actual "toilet" or "trash can" of sorts, where the miasma would either be contained, or the waste pushed into a sealed chamber away from the noses and lungs of all but the unluckiest of dwarves.  (Discussed in this thread, in another previous waste thread.)

Finally, consider how awesome a working aquaduct and plumbing system would be - working flushing toilets with a seperate sewage line are complex achievements.  The Romans rightfully were proud of their sewage system - the barbarians that followed them had nothing but cesspits, literally just open trenches in the road going downhill to a pool of waste, and the Romans could rightfully say that one of the benefits of living the Roman life was that even the lower classes would not be living in their own waste.

This gives serious dwarven engineers the ability to rig up systems that would prove their engineering superiorirty over other dwarven cities, much less any hippy elf that lives only as far away from his own filth as he is willing to carry it away.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 03:30:37 pm by NW_Kohaku »
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #351 on: June 09, 2010, 05:23:23 pm »


Just a note on the sex mods, those are just mods and talk of it is contained in the mods thread.  There would be problems if it proliferated across the rest of the DF forum.
If Toady added the Goblin/Succubus thing himself, on by default, you'd get a lot more people using/seeing it.  Plus, by being a feature of the game, it would be a part of all the DF sub-forums...

Bigger population of DF players playing it, more chance of stupid memes popping up about it, more likely to attract the 'LOLBOOBIES' crowd.
Same reasoning with the Feces...  but, in my opinion, it is going to be worse.

'Tastefulness' is an important factor.  Plus, I'm a hypocrite, violence is fun.
I have no problems with the sewer idea and other productive implementations to begin with.
Mitigate/hardcode the 'tasteless fun' possibilities and I can ride with it.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...  This is the truth! This is my belief! ... At least for now...
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Urist McDepravity

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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #352 on: June 09, 2010, 07:44:58 pm »

Bigger population of DF players playing it, more chance of stupid memes popping up about it, more likely to attract the 'LOLBOOBIES' crowd.
Same reasoning with the Feces...  but, in my opinion, it is going to be worse.
This game is advertised on every major *chan in the internets, including 4chan (there were at least 4! threads reaching bump-limit in /tg/ upon release of 31.0). It is advertised on wikis like ED and LM. It is advertised on SA.
This very forum had /b/-like board in the past, with worst of 4chan stuff. Theres just no way to attract more immature and insane crowd because it simply does not exist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #353 on: June 09, 2010, 08:12:53 pm »

This game is advertised on every major *chan in the internets, including 4chan (there were at least 4! threads reaching bump-limit in /tg/ upon release of 31.0). It is advertised on wikis like ED and LM. It is advertised on SA.
This very forum had /b/-like board in the past, with worst of 4chan stuff. Theres just no way to attract more immature and insane crowd because it simply does not exist.

Pretty much this.

When 4chan moves in, it becomes virtually impossible to be Eternal Septembered by anything worse. 

Even then, that only addresses half of the things in the lists I talked about - farming/torturing/systematic raping of elves and mermaids goes on in the threads already.  Things like cannibalism are already a part of the game.  Why is it that genocide or torture or any of the other of the worst ethical abuses anyone could imagine are discussed freely and openly, but nobody can mention sewers without people worrying that it would somehow lower the class of the place?

Again, I have trouble seeing how any sort of "poop meme" wouldn't get either shouted down by those who are opposed to it, or simply ignored, as the overwhelming majority of what goes on in this forums inevitably must be ignored, since there's just so much traffic in these forums.
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #354 on: June 10, 2010, 02:05:55 am »

I would want Feces and Pee to be distinguished.

Because pee could be used in such thing as leather working, metallurgy and alchemy.

And feces could be used as fertilizers and building material (if dried).

And to all the sour buzzkilers. What does my humor have do with anything? If i find pop funny then i have right to that. Just because you don't find it funny docent mean that other docent do. Let us have our fun and we will let you have your fun. you can just ignore us, it's not like where forcing you to make poo castle.

So, no. I wont get of your lawn because it isn't yours.
They decided to leave my fortress via the circus because the front door was locked to keep Goblins out.  THAT should be an interesting trip back to the Mountainhome.


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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #355 on: June 10, 2010, 02:32:47 am »

I said this in the other thread and I will say it again here.

Bottom line is that if it goes in, it should go in just like any other feature. Fully implemented. There should be no prudish artificial limitations on it, just put it in correctly or not at all. Its not for you to say what people can or cannot do in their game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #356 on: June 10, 2010, 02:43:55 am »

I said this in the other thread and I will say it again here.

Bottom line is that if it goes in, it should go in just like any other feature. Fully implemented. There should be no prudish artificial limitations on it, just put it in correctly or not at all. Its not for you to say what people can or cannot do in their game.

Hear, Hear!
They decided to leave my fortress via the circus because the front door was locked to keep Goblins out.  THAT should be an interesting trip back to the Mountainhome.

Medicine Man

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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #357 on: June 11, 2010, 05:18:31 am »

I say yes as long as we don't get our beautiful forums spread with idiots saying

"hahaha your game has poo in it!!thats funny!i want to drown my dwarfs in poo poo!"


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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #358 on: June 11, 2010, 05:21:19 am »

I say yes as long as we don't get our beautiful forums spread with idiots saying

"hahaha your game has poo in it!!thats funny!i want to drown my dwarfs in poo poo!"
This is no worse than what already appears on the forums.

Medicine Man

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Re: Feces vote
« Reply #359 on: June 11, 2010, 05:23:12 am »

I say yes as long as we don't get our beautiful forums spread with idiots saying

"hahaha your game has poo in it!!thats funny!i want to drown my dwarfs in poo poo!"
This is no worse than what already appears on the forums.

True....with all the killing elves in vomit...
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