Ok, I just took the IH.43 raws plus my mod raws with tile changes I made for IH.42 and projected them onto my update-to-DF.10-with-normal-tiles raws using the tile-picker-merger-thingie, and transferred my DFTerm fort into the Ironhand DF directory and it worked and loos awesome.
I'm fiddling with a design style of making smoothed "buildings" that are seperated by rough corridors and open spaces, and I have a odd curvy organic hallway thing that happened to go through the middle of a microcline node and I think it looks awesome.
I'm planning on putting this up on DFMA using the IH set after I finish my hospital basement and maybe the stone and metal zones. (My poor masons are set up in the middle of some hallway that happened to contain a lot of stone ... and half of the food O_o.) (Also need to load up DT and manage my migration wave of doom that just came in ...)
The only things on my screen that I'm not about are the chairs (all facing left? it looks ok in my dining hall, but I've got an office over here where the chair's on the left) and the beds (because I have blocks of beds and the tapering effect is a little odd), which both look great on their own anyway. The marbly effect on the newest tables is awesome too. This version of the z-below is pretty cool too, being kinda a hybrid dot and color thing. Still a hair too dark, but I hear that's a PITA to adjust
I'm rambly. Probably bedtime.