help me!
I find that to be horrible!
cure this madness I want to be as morally depraved as the rest of you, you really don't.
I got a urge to see if I could tweak certain values in the human raws in the monsterworld save folder--since I would never encounter another one in my monsterworld--and replicate some of the effects produced by Saitama from Onepunch Man as an outsider, which turned out to be surprisingly fun and science-y (no fire, so it's not !!Science!! yet) but then I found the most heavily populated part of the elf civilization, and after spending hours giggling as I chucked them to their deaths out of their own trees I bumped into the queen. She came at me and I didn't want to just flatten her yet, so I insisted she stop fighting and yield, then it happened... she hocked some of her filthy treefucker drool up and hit me with it.
I promptly got her in a joint lock, broke her shoulder, and she said she would yield. Other elves started to come closer so I broke her other shoulder and told them to yield, one attacked me so I killed it while snapping her hip, and finally to drive the point home I broke the other one.
Now she's sitting there periodically waking up long enough to call me a murderer or spit again, so I decided I would build her a cage.
Her wounds after I got the elves to keep their distance:
Not sure how much was just them being horrified or if there is actually a "uh oh he has a hostage" process running somewhere.
To complete the humiliation I pegged her subjects with her own clothes... but there is too much dorf in me to take the socks off of anybody, no matter how much they suck, mangling someone is one thing, stealing socks is another:
Then I started cutting trees down around where she lay, pulled out a pick I had grabbed earlier (for digging only, never used it on anything else) and dug some channels and happened to hit an aquifer, so I tossed some corpses down there to reanimate after I got it all sealed up:
Once I got the trees I needed I decided to add a symbolic touch, dfhacked up a steel chain and built a restraint before I got started on the walls of the cage itself, I can't figure out how to chain her up, but I like the idea that she sees it there before her:
Especially since I designed the cage with the intent of being able to feed her without her escaping, so should she get hungry enough to accept my gifts, she has to sit and look at the chain while she eats... did I mention the only thing I would give her to eat is her butchered subjects, because that is what I did:
After I got enough wood I placed fortifications over the pit, added a couple scaffolds to either side since it takes so much longer if you climb to each construction, instead of just a couple out of reach ones, and put another layer of fortifications above it, with a floor on top, and a wall I can hang from so I can drop food on the chain without killing her accidentally. Once I got the food in there I sealed it up entirely, removed the stairs and scaffolds, and left the wood I used around her cage, and since I had the forethought to create a site first, and lair it afterwards, that is where it will remain:
The site name is obvious enough: Cagedqueen.
Amusingly, sometimes when I was deconstructing parts of the scaffolding she would ask me if I had any good scuffles lately, then I guess she remembered I crippled her and am trying to make her eat her own people, and starts spitting/calling me a murderer again.
While I was trying to get her to yield I also had a weird bug where sometimes I was able to pick from the conversation trees which she should have been using, I think because she passed out mid conversation, when you ask how someone is feeling they have three options I think, with one being akin to "brag about your violent acts" except for your recent thoughts, and it got really confusing when I tried to see what happens if I use her conversation tree to claim the site, something about forgot my royal pronouncement or whatnot?
Either way I left her there while I went around getting the stinky cowards who watched me mangle their queen and later remembered I hadn't gotten anyone to fill out my map of sites!
Made use of the "you're a projectile while jumping" to get inside her cage, stood there and advanced the time enough for her to heal and wake up, then got her in a headlock and kept pumping her for information til she ran out of beasts to tell me about... and though I don't have screenshots of it, I may have removed her teeth (she kept trying to bite me), and all four limbs (she actually landed a blow since the broken joints healed when she slept, the nerve of her, recuperating after I so carefully mangled her!) while taking time to stop and let her sleep if she was getting close to bleeding to death. She's now a grumpy and limbless hardass who no longer blacks out from pain, gotta strangle her if I want to her to shut up, good for her, she'll need the fortitude to deal with the rest of her life in that box.
Oh, the name and title are Saitama Onepunch, the Mellow Universe, and no I haven't gotten the effect I was going for yet (in OPM he tends to turn things into giblets or leave big holes through them) because of the way bone density and the basic structure of hand to hand attacks work. Not even jacking the attack velocities to ludicrous speed, flipping the "edged" tag on, tweaking the attack_contact_perc and attack_penetration_perc, and testing against tons of stationary targets was able to result in a single severed body part. There is something I'm missing somewhere, because I can make elves fly hilariously far away, or instakill them with a single shot to the head, but even sitting there wailing on a limb until it is a mangled mass of flesh and they finally bleed to death won't result in a severed limb.
I was able to get "the [body part] is cut open" and even got a few "gouting blood" results with a "knifehand" edge-flagged version of the punch I added that uses the pinky (technically any finger has the same relsize, but it just made more sense to me), turned the contact_perc all the way down to 1, and jacked the penetration_perc up to 100000 with velocity modifiers anywhere from crazy-high 15000 all the way up to 100000 or even 500000, still the most you get is cutting things open, though as I said above, they do fly pretty far. Gonna check some of the modder threads and see what is used for weapon limbs I guess.