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Author Topic: What's going on in your adventure?  (Read 2053370 times)


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2085 on: March 26, 2011, 09:04:44 am »

After my earlier GCS drowned, I made a new one.
I was tasked to kill a swordsman (I edited the raws so spiders could talk)
I thought it would be a cave fish man, but it was another cave spider.
I killed the swordsman cave spider by ripping out it's abdomen.
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.

Angel Of Death

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2086 on: March 29, 2011, 08:13:37 am »

I'm on a journey to the circus. I got jumped by bogiemen and started to run, eventually I was completely surrounded. I engaged combat with the bogiemen, limbs and blood flying. I severed the putrid head from the last infernal wretch and collected it. From this day forth, I shall slay bogiemen!

Something awesome just happened. I was completely surrounded by bogiemen that were MUCH stronger and faster than me, I was sure I was going to die. Then, a dragon raptor came, seperated the hoard and killed most of them. Then, more bogiemen came. They were seemingly invincible, but daylight was coming and they all perished. If it wasn't for the dragon raptor, I would surely have been slain.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 08:24:46 am by Angel Of Death »
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The Tyrant

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2087 on: March 29, 2011, 11:09:48 am »

Caspa Ghostfriendly: Give me a quest!
Peasant: Well we are being bothered by this one particular bandit spearman. Could you go kill him?
Caspa Ghostfriendly: ok!

*The next day*

Peasant: You look a little worse for wear, and I see your two companions are not with you. Tell me, did you kill the bandit?
Caspa Ghostfriendly: *gives peasant the evil eye*
Peasant: ...are you-
Caspa Ghostfriendly: *snaps* Yes I killed him! I also killed his 54 friends that you completley failed to mention! *vibrates with anger*
Peasant: oh... it... er... slipped my mind?

Must resist urge to maim foolish peasants...

Edit: such an epic battle makes me wish I could name my sword. It sure deserves one after that!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 11:14:55 am by The Tyrant »
Stove has created The Consequences of Biting, a legendary MSPaint engraving. It is studded with pixels, encrusted with pixels, and menaces with spikes of pixels and hanging rings of pixels. On the item is an image of SOME SERIOUS SHIT.


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2088 on: March 29, 2011, 07:20:27 pm »

My second quest for my new swordsman was to kill a bandit leader.  I did that.  I also ended up killing his 32 companions and let two run away to spread the news (read: forgot to kill them because I was looting).  Only one of my peasant companions survived, and he had passed out at the beginning of the battle.  I totally imagine that scene...

Specut Gladesearch (The Escorted Truth of Dripping), Peasant: Argh, I am wounded! *faints*
*some time later*
Specut Gladesearch (The Escorted Truth of Dripping): *wakes up, sees pile of corpses and my adventurer absoultely covered in blood* Uhhh, what happened?
Me: Don't worry about it. *Resumes looting corpses*
This fortress is turning into some kind of supervillain lair or something.
You do remember that you've been farming gigantic wingless dragon-fish for profit and Fun, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2089 on: March 29, 2011, 08:19:00 pm »

My newest axeman started out quite promising, killing two night creature spouses without any problems for his first quest. On the way back from the second creature's lair he got into an ambush. But instead of the expected group of goblins or human bandits, all he found was two elves fighting a few capybaras. At this point I should have realized that something was wrong, since I elves were friends with all animals or something like that. Not knowing whether to fight the elves or the capybaras (he didn't know who had started that fight), the adventurer talked to the elves and got them to follow him as companions.

So far so good, he helped killing the animals and continued his journey home. There he told the villagers of his glorious deeds and soon left for his next quest - and found one of the elves dead in front of the house he had just been in. Going back inside he saw the other elf fighting a war leader and a bone carver. Realizing that his elven friends had to be enemies of his civilization and that he had led them into his hometown, he decided to join the battle. He aquired the bone carver as a companion and attacked the evil elf. As his first attack hit his target, everyone in the room started to see him as an enemy, for reasons he did not know.

He did what he had to do and wiped out the village (the elf though was killed by the same man who had killed the first one). Now that he had no place left to sleep savely and no friends to save him from the bogeymen he decided to travel towards the next town and sleep in the first lair he could found. Unfortunately that lair was the home of not one, but three monsters of shadow with two spouses. Suffice it to say that even with his demigod skills he and his copper halberd were no match for five of these night creatures.
And so ends the tale of Artuk Intensescratches the Savage Lenghts who never learned what he had done wrong to deserve such a cruel fate.

Sometimes this game hates me.

EDIT: I just found out it's not unusual to find night creatures hunting in packs in my currrent world. And there's not much worse than sleeping in the forest at night and waking up sorrounded by seven or more of these monsters (goodbye, Alatha Winglegends the Friendly Cavity)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 11:45:29 pm by Gorm »
As dwarves slowly lose their stats over time it's natural for them to get fatter as they age because there's no activities to train healing rate.
so dwarves that die of old age in DF dont get shriveled and weak, but huge round masses of meat and fat that explode spectacularly upon their final birthday?

Angel Of Death

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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2090 on: March 30, 2011, 12:44:58 am »

I just got killed by an elf. This is what I immagined the fight to be like...

Me: Heheheee! *Takes off loincloth and wraps it around elfs throat*

Elf: Don't even think about it...


Me: *tightens loincloth*


*Your lower body collapses into a lump of gore!*
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 01:16:57 am by Angel Of Death »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2091 on: April 01, 2011, 09:02:53 am »

I haven't played adventure mode much, so I started as a demigod axeman.

The first quest I was given was by a peasant to kill some elf guy.
So, I proceeded to go to the task, and when I got there I found a whole elf camp.

It was a slaughter.
Every single one died, and I only suffered some minor bruising on my foot.
I chopped off every limb, severed every stomach.

At this point I was wondering where my target was, as I still had yet to kill him/her.
I continued slaughtering almost all of this elven civilization.
Until a fucking thunderstorm of copper bolts rain down and kill me.

Well, it was fun while it lasted :D

I really do wish that they would tell us that there were hundreds of others though.

In an earlier game, I had a quest to go kill this guy, and it turns out he lives in his own little shack somewhere out in the woods.
See a trail of blood and 2 severed limbs, and I realize something is very wrong here. Move towards the entrance and I see the corpse of someone propped up against the wall, and when I turn the corner, I see a blood covered hobbit.

I then proceeded to carry around his corpse for a while, which was fun considering I had to fight of the wolves that night when I didn't have shelter :P
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slamming his left hand into the baby's face
I came to this forum with no intention of ever uttering that phrase.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2092 on: April 01, 2011, 01:42:26 pm »

i think i ran into an fucking wall and exploded ran into it i killed the giant and then i ran into the wall and exploded WTF.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2093 on: April 02, 2011, 09:59:37 am »

My newest adventurer just killed 2 3 night creatures all by himself (one by one, mind you), beating them into submission with double-wielded sharp rocks and finishing them both all by biting their heads off... I love this game!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 10:38:15 am by Golcondio »


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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2094 on: April 02, 2011, 03:51:01 pm »

Just started my first field battle in adventure mode. Me and my 19 followers (most of them warriors, some peasants) against a patrol of the Tick of Whipping, a goblin civilization. I had a quest to kill a roc.

There are 40 goblins! I got one bolt in the head in the frst turn, I'm glad for my steel helm - the bolt only teared the skin. My archers and crossbowman exchange fire with theirs. It will be fun. Or Fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2095 on: April 02, 2011, 07:53:34 pm »

Speaking of Roc, I was preparing for a hard fight (all my companions were dead from an earlier ambush and I couldn't be bothered to replace them...).
I opened the fight with my usual gambit: a thrown +iron pick+ from 3 squares away. It's quite devastating in its own right, it normally chops appendages off and/or makes the target unconscious...
This time, pure awesomeness: it hit the Roc in the leg, fracturing the bone; I was thinking "meh, could have been better" when I saw the Roc passing out from the pain and crashing down to the ground with a bone-crunching thud!

The pick is the most awesome weapon ever, or not?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2096 on: April 02, 2011, 07:56:18 pm »

Yes. Yes it is. It's so awesome against a bronze colossus it ain't even funny. I tend to discard whatever weapon I have in favor of picks if I find one in a bandit camp. As for my current adventures I'm hunting a night creature. I think it's a night troll, I don't remember off the top of my head. It'll probably go well though, I have a pick and a sword.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2097 on: April 02, 2011, 09:45:43 pm »

My dwarf adventurer has been rallying mobs of peasants and whatever else will come with me (because all forts are abandoned and filled with rabbits and badgers, so no seasoned warriors to be found) to attack all the local banditry. Got in a huge fight with one of the camps which had just shy of two dozen men in it - lost all my companions, but hit a martial trance and while completely surrounded I kept one-shotting them until the bandit leader started to run, at which point I caught up to him, sliced both his legs off, and then chopped him in the head.

Most triumphant.

So far the peasant adventurers I've made like this one have all been better than even my demigods. What's up with that? I've even managed to completely avoid bogeymen, even when I had to travel two days (total, there and back) alone to fight a night creature initially.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2098 on: April 03, 2011, 02:02:39 am »

Yes. Yes it is. It's so awesome against a bronze colossus it ain't even funny. I tend to discard whatever weapon I have in favor of picks if I find one in a bandit camp. As for my current adventures I'm hunting a night creature. I think it's a night troll, I don't remember off the top of my head. It'll probably go well though, I have a pick and a sword.
Throwing picks in a pumped-up adventurer is even better.
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Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your adventure?
« Reply #2099 on: April 03, 2011, 07:50:27 am »

Throwing picks in a pumped-up adventurer is even better.

It one-hit-kills night creatures too  8)
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