Difference being, its actually quite the accomplishment to own nice cars and being financially rich AND stable.
Is it? Why? Upon what do you base that?
Its far easier to spend a month on a hacking game and claim yourself L33T HAXX0RZ
Ok, but what's our goal here? Personally I see no particular value in doing things just because they're difficult. It might be "easier" to play a game than to get rich, but it's probably "easier" to get rich than to spend a lifetime in meditation and acheive enlightenment. But not everyone has the desire or determination to contemplate their navel for a lifetime, and not everyone has the desire or determination to be rich.
Someone who says "Haha! I'm awesome because I have money and cars!" is basically doing the same thing as someone who says "Haha! I'm awesome because I are 'l33t haxxorz.'"
Game ranking stats and money will both be of little value after we die. But both the guy who enjoys driving his porsche and the guy who enjoys doing well in a game...enjoyed themselves.
I think it's ok to enjoy the ride, regardless of which ride we choose.
See, it's more of an accomplishment thing in the scale.
When you're dying, you might think, "At least I managed to scrape together my shit and get tons of cash and some awesome cars."
You might also think, "I may not have accomplished much to the naked eye, but I have gained wisdom which for most takes more than a lifetime to attain."
It's probably not healthy to die thinking, "Man, I remember that time 162.xx hacked into my vpc, and I hacked the shit out of that motherfucker until he stopped playing."
LOL, I figured as much. With so many people stupidly throwing their IPs around, its only a matter of google searching for a SlaveHack mention and following the trail of data crumbs.
Rule #1: Never make your IP public, no matter how secure you think it is. Public is still public, and ANYONE who's reasonably good at Google'ing can find your IP here if they wish to.
I got mono's IP because he referenced someone elses IP which he didn't clear the logs on. I also got several bank accounts and cracked them.
What you guys should do if you intend to actually coordinate and post 3 replies in a minute like this thread tends to go, you should get into a private irc.