Yeah, trust is hard. For all the dishonesty in the Security vs Liberty debate, there is a nugget of truth there - perfect safety would rob us of anything we want that safety to protect. When it gets to so basic a level as interpersonal trust, the only total safety is in oblivion. I wouldn't recommend it. You generally have to give up some measure of control over how you feel in order to feel what you want - which can be as terrifying as it is obtuse. But then, what most of us want is to be able to live with our identities respected, our feelings accepted, and our ideas appreciated. In other words, what we want to feel is the freedom from needing control in the first place.
The only way out, it seems to me, is to accept that the world may not work out the way you want it to if you let it - but that it certainly won't if you try to force it. You have to be willing to get burned, because it's the only way you're going to get the fire just right. You have to trust knowing you might be betrayed, love knowing you might be abandoned, believe knowing you might be wrong. You have to accept the risk, let it be a part of your life, and move on - or else you'll never get out from under the shadow of fear.
The world can be a cruel place, sometimes. But it's a beautiful one, too, if you can take it for what it is, instead of what it isn't.