My suggestion: Nethack.
Or {Insert Roguelike Here}.
The trouble with roguelikes I find is that because their random nature they suffer from the issues of the sliding scale of random vs. selective gameplay, or what I call "the box of chocolates dilemma". Which is a very complex dilemma that I don't want to bother going into detail with here, but the main point is that the more random content is, the more difficult is to make sure that content is pleasurable to enjoy (on account of being unbalanced, incoherent, unfair, etc.), the less random content is, the more difficult it is to make that content feel new and enjoyable every time (if, for an extreme example, a game has six dungeons that it randomly chooses, once you've been through all six dungeons, you've been through every dungeon the game has to offer).
In most roguelikes my success feels very dependent on whether or not the dice decide to let me win. Which frustrates me no end.
Watch something? A Let's Play, a movie, some Ponies. *Shrug* Extended edition of all three Lord of the Ring Movies?
Extended edition of all three Lord of the Ring Movies?
Watch the bonus DVDs too and that takes care of the whole week for you. ROTK's bonus DVDs are around 6 hours long IIRC from when I watched through them. Also really really cool in parts (boring in others, but mostly pretty neat).
hmmm, you guys have just reminded me that I never watched the last two episodes of "Fool Us". I suppose that could burn a couple of hours. Maybe I can find something else to watch.