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Author Topic: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!  (Read 16663 times)


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2009, 03:03:26 am »

I just realized... this place is almost completely obsidian. WE COULD ENGRAVE THE ENTIRE DAMN THING O_O

Outline for tomorrows update, the first year. 1 more year to go.

-Digging out the entrance hall
-Struck Microcline
-Got everyone and everything INSIDE
-Stores for food and waste finished!
-The Farm!
-Very Dangerous Task
-Mining for the Well
-A Floor
-Access to the Pipe, and the trade depot!
-PASSED US! Time for a bridge then!
-More Iron
-Carving a Road
-Getting the well running.
-Oh no... not... EAGLES!?!
-Traps Set
-End of First Year

As you can tell. Things are quite... hectic.

I request, nay demand a cameo as the Arch-bishop!

Even if it ends in a tragic, drug induced madness leading inevitably to a comedy death.

You want archbishop? You play >:3 by the time we get to 6th point we SHOULD have some nobles. Maybe you're an ArchBishop in training.

Could you put me as a military dwarf called Bo Niggles?

same for you Comcastic. This is a succession game, you get a character with your name on it if you -play- and an awesome tomb ta boot if you do well enough. (doesn't matter if there's anything left of you to put into it)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 03:16:13 am by shadowclasper »
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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2009, 04:43:23 am »

can i get the sixth turn? :D i'm not too late, right?

damn, killing dorves... tantrum spiral beware!


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2009, 10:17:11 am »

Eagles? I hope they're not giant eagles :P


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2009, 10:44:50 am »

Dibs on the rainbow god!
this rock is studded with rock and on it is engraved a picture of a rock.


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2009, 11:41:18 am »

They are, and no casualties just yet. Bonus points for whoever captures and tames the sucker.
Well we've been begun digging the entrance hall, those damn idiots besides me and the only other miner are slowly getting to make the entrance hall, a nice arrow barrier in the front as well. Once we get a kennels and some animal trainers we'll put some wardogs out here to keep out thieves. In the mean time we'll have to figure out a way to make cages.

Wow... something BESIDES obsidian in the forsaken waste. The only good thing about all that damn black stone is that it means we'll probably be able to carve this entire valley with engravings as a tribute for the gods themselves.

FINALLY! We've finished the entrance hall. Soon everyone will be inside and we can begin work on getting this place running.

OH GODS NO! NOT YET! WHY HERE! WHY NOW! I wanted to strike the magma pipe, but not THIS soon. I'm having the mason put up a wall in the mean time. I don't want fire imps and men tearing this place apart, especially with the booze stock pile so close. We'll put in a floodgate door later, so we can mine out new shafts without worrying about our miners burning up and dieing. At least we'll be able to put magma forges in the main creation hall, which means we can use the wood for better things.

DAMN! Just as a feared. Fire Snakes. They must be getting through the masonry of the wall and crevices in the cavern. Not good. Our booze and wood are still out in the open, if one of them sets off a fire.... well let's just say we're all screwed. We need to get the food and booze stockpiles finished but quick. As well as the refuse stockpile, as some of the food is beginning to go bad out here, even in the barrel. I'm going to leave a note for the next Temple Builder to buy cats, lots and lots of cats. We just can't risk a fire snake getting into the supplies and burning our fort down, not when the main creation hall is RIGHT next to the magma pipe

HA! THEY'RE DONE! Along with the Barracks. Things are going just fine now. With doors being put around everywhere, and the barracks finished as well, we're well on our way to becoming self sufficent.

HA! HEMATITE AND COPPER! Thank Nim! With this we can become self sufficent. I'm not letting ANY of these veins go un plumbed, we need these supplies. We'll wall off any extraneous tunnels, but we -need- that iron.

Oh damn. Summer already, and the only found arable land is above us... that won't do. The map says something about there being sand just east of our Kitchens. We'll have to push in that direction. I just hope we can strike it before winter. Also, I've started our crafts dwarf on making stone objects. Hopefully they'll be traded for more useful things when the caravan arrives.

FINALLY! THE FARM IS IN! We'll be beard deep in plump helmets in no time. At least the starvation crisis is now averted. We'll have to expand as time goes on, but right now the simple field will do. ((ignore the offices, those get put in later >_< sorry for the anachronism))

Now for the most dangerous task... I'm going to personally mine out the shaft for the magma... Not the last few feet of rock though, we'll do that from above the actual pipe, no reason to commit suicide before my task is complete. I'll expand it really far south as well, that way we can build more magma forges and smelters and glass makers as time goes on.

Had the other miner start the shaft for the well into our dining hall. That one's going about neatly at least. We'll soon have a well built, if we can get a magma forge and smelter running to make the chains.

What the... OH GODS! NOT ANOTHER PROBLEM! Two-legged Rhino Lizards! And only one cat to our name! As if the fire snakes setting our boots on fire weren't enough we now have to deal with these things! They're worse than rats, ya can SEE rats. These things blend in with the obsidian and snuck in. Now they're in our food stores. How to keep them away... maybe get the cat on a chain? No, that means if they get past the cat then they'll get into the stores... can't have that. Ah well.

I put a floor over that stair well down into the magma shaft. I see no reason to give fire men and imps free passage into the fort. We'll leave a channeled out shaft and place the forges so that they block the channeled out holes. I'll make note for the next Temple Builder to do just that, if we don't we're up a creek.

HA! WE'VE DONE IT! WE HAVE WATER IN THE DINING HALL! Now if only we could get a damn well!

And the flood gate system is in place, got to remember to leave note for the next Temple Builder to avoid pulling that lever unless absolutely necessary. Also got the trading post in... but I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh well, as long as the trade supplies get through I have no problems. Anyway, I'm going to go channel out the last tile to fill the magma shaft.

HA! THE MAGMA FORGE IS GO! Alright, so it's flickering for the moment, but it's definitely nearly ready. Once the magma fills up a little more we'll be good. Of course, we left a lot of rock down in the shaft, I thought it best to just leave it there. We have MORE than enough obsidian... seriously, WHAT THE HELL!? WHERE'D IT ALL COME FROM?! IS THIS PLACE CURSED OR SOMETHING!? At night you can't tell the ground from the sky because even the stars are reflected on this black stuff.

What... no... NO... NOOOOOOOOO!!! DAMN IT! THE TRADE CARAVANS PASSED US UP! The river must have blocked them damn it... or it could have been the possibly THOUSANDS of obsidan boulders. I'll have to get someone on smoothing those out, making a road, and building a bridge.

Damn them to the nether hells! The bastards took advantage of our need of food and supplies. They sold us 10 cheese wheels and 10 pieces of meat, for almost our entire supply of obsidian goods. Damn skinflints. I bet they'd have the clothes off our backs too if they thought they could get a way with it.

HA! More iron. We've nearly found the fullness of this vein, we're VERY lucky in this. Ta boot the housing is nearly ready, they aren't pretty, but they're better than the barracks and give us some privacy. This is just temporary though, the sands too close to us, so that means we can't really engrave and smooth the walls. Ah well.

Oh, this is rich. After practically robbing us, the mountainhome sent us a liason to understand what we want. I asked for food, booze, rope, dogs and cats, and some other things. Oh, and bolts. When we get the marksdwarves set up, I want them to have something they can practice with.

And there it is, winter. Not that it means much when we have a damn MAGMA PIPE JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL! And the fire snakes lighting our boots on fire. Seriously, we need more cats but quick or we're going to burn up. At least the dogs had puppies. If only we had someone who could train them damn it.

WHAT THE HELL WAS SHEM THINKING! HE HASN'T STARTED FORGING AND SMELTING! I belted him a few times over the head with the blunt end of my pick until he got the damn message. We should be ready to go soon.

Finally, with the bridge done we've begun smoothing away the boulders outside. This should let a trade Caravan get close enough to us I believe. Next year we'll have the supplies we need.

Finally, the well is running. I couldn't ask for more. NO MORE GOING OUT TO THE DAMN RIVER! WOOHOO! It also means that if any of us are hurt it'll be easy to heal us. I'm thinking of adding 2 more in other parts of the fort. The main hall and the crafting hall. That way we won't have to go as far for water. We've also gotten the kitchens ready to go. I'll be digging a shaft between them and the food stockpiles, so it's easier to get back and forth. Maybe we'll eventually move the food stockpiles UNDER the dining hall.

What's that on the horizon... oh... oh no... NOT A GIANT EAGLE?! DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN! THAT'S ALL WE NEED! I'm putting a bounty on that thing. Whoever can bring one in alive is gonna be exempt from the execution order even if he fails to build a temple. I got the priest to approve it.

And now we've go the traps in the main hall set. Cage and stone fall traps. Perfect. I'd like to see any goblins or kolbolds get past THAT. We'll be putting in a bridge at the back as well. and maybe the front. It depends on how things work out. Hmmm... maybe I can get the temple to Kadol estabilshed here soon... Over looking the valley in front of us... nothing fancy, just a statue and some engraved walls. A truly fitting tribute to kadol would be to find some gems and place them about her place, or better yet, place her temple INTO a gem seam. Ah well, it's not looking likely. I'll have to settle for the minor shrine above our fort and looking out, hopefully to be expanded... maybe the next leader will spare my life? I doubt it for so pitiful and offering.

Well the first half of the rest of my life is over. 1 more year and I'll be killed in some amusing and interesting manner I'm sure... I just hope he, or she, lets me see it coming.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 10:32:26 pm by shadowclasper »
Project Manager for Towergirls: Subtitle Pending


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #35 on: October 06, 2009, 02:46:11 pm »

I thought we weren't gonna kill you?  Oh well I'm next so I guess I get to choose eh?
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #36 on: October 06, 2009, 03:00:05 pm »

I thought we weren't gonna kill you?  Oh well I'm next so I guess I get to choose eh?

You misread. He is going to get the place running, and so won't have time to make a temple. Thus "will most certainly die" as stated in the rules.


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #37 on: October 06, 2009, 03:14:09 pm »

This looks okay, but go easy with the CAPS LOCK  :P


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Re: Temple City Succession!
« Reply #38 on: October 06, 2009, 07:18:34 pm »

It's meant to be his inner dialogue, or possibly his journal. He's flamboyant. And on edge. The dwarf is almost certainly about to die, cut him some slack =P

and no. My guy is almost certainly dead meat. He's supposed to build the temples AND get the place running.

I'm establishing some bonus goals for each god. If ya achieve them, you get heart points and extra awesome. None of these are compulsory, just ideas I had. Eventually though I think we'll need to create an epic "central" temple hanging in the middle of the map, and connected to all other temples. The King's rooms will go there, and it shall have adamantium statues of all the gods, as decked out as possible (and hopefully masterwork)

OH! By the way. Starting a temple doesn't exempt you from execution. You have to satisfy the next builder that is is a "good" temple. And it also has to satisfy the one after that to ensure your survival.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 07:37:45 pm by shadowclasper »
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Re: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2009, 07:44:02 pm »

so chances of survival are slim to none?
Nom nom nom


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Re: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2009, 07:46:59 pm »

Yep. And if you happen to come upon the end of a temple building scheme, you lucked out.
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Re: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2009, 07:55:15 pm »

Oh look! We haz a name!
this rock is studded with rock and on it is engraved a picture of a rock.


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Re: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2009, 08:18:09 pm »

I'll take the idea from the edit in the first post and make a central Oracle character once my turn comes up. Perhaps a bonus goal that he or she must be protected.

The temple builder on my turn can be slaughtered, though, but the oracle, who provided the map, ought to be kept up, and possibly housed and pampered.

I'm not sure I agree with the Thralldom god. The whole point of having thralls/slaves is to keep them alive. Keeping captured enemies moving around inside could be an idea. You can pretend they're working.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 08:20:23 pm by Razoric480 »


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Re: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2009, 10:08:51 pm »

Sure. But where are you going to toss unruly slaves ehn? INTO THE PIT WITH THEM! THEY'LL SERVE OUR GODDESS IN THE AFTER LIFE! Or maybe it's a short "air lock" drop. Her teeth are all bridges, they open up, dropping the capture slaves a Z-level into her gullet, then that opens up as the teeth close to drop them into the slave pits.

also. Update coming later tonight. Here's the outline :3

-Begun planning the beginnings of the temple to Kadol
-Making the river safe
-Elven Traders
-Lazy ass priest!
-->Twin Bridges
-->Temple Towers
-The hell is he going on about?
-a WHAT?
-Human Traders, still no wagons damn them to hell
-Kolbold Thieves agaiN!
-Second Farm
-Microcline Excavation
-Towers Underway
-More Merchants (still no wagons, stupid bridge building)
--Getting spiked balls and other things
-Another Artifact!
-Our priest has lost his mind!
-Good Trade!
-Safety on the brook
-How... they, WHAT?!
-Saved the masons... damn fools
-Bridges Linked
-AGAIN! On the otherside this time! What are they doing?!
-DAMN! JUST REALIZED! Rebuild the bridges! Also, magma
-Expansion of the Store Rooms
-4th of Granite. The hell?!
-Another possed dwarf... what is it THIS time... (silk, cut gems, and rocks)

I missed spring arriving because of a couple of thieves distracting me RIGHT when spring came about. My apologies.

also, we've got a symbol for the civilization and the government! I think this totally means we must edit the Raw files to make kolbolds tameable >.> WAR KOLBOLDS!!! Or not, your call :P we could just put crap out for them to steal and let them have it as offerings. When they send raiding parties we'll take their stuff and make kolbold bone items :D

Confining Hammers Symbol=Kolbold
Orb of Tomes Symbol=Millstone

Notes for the next guy up to bat:
1) the lever in the tower CLOSEST to the blue stairs on the tower z-level needs to be linked to the two trap-bridges.
2) The other two link to the other two entrance bridges. the middle one to the top, the bottom one to the bottom. I -think-
3) The Lever in the traders hall opens up access to the magma pipe. Do so at your own peril
4) I smoothed out the crafting hall's floor right above the magma shaft. Mine there for more magma furnaces and smithies.
5) If you feel like it, continue my project of turning the brook into a river.
6) Let the road be built. It'll look awesome and it marks the access path for the damn traders.
of course, these are all advisories. ^_^ Do what you like of course :P But I really would suggest getting those bridges up and running.

Anyway, currently exporting images and such for my fortress. It SHOULD all go well. See yall in a while

« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 01:11:15 am by shadowclasper »
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Re: Tongsthundered, Temple City Succession!
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2009, 01:13:09 am »

Further thoughts on the goddess of thralldom Or maybe it's a short "air lock" drop. Her teeth are all bridges, they open up, dropping the capture slaves a Z-level into her gullet, then that opens up as the teeth close to drop them into the slave pits. Further, open this prison level onto the chasam. Have the disarmed slaves have to fight off the beasts from the pit. Better yet. Have it so that unwanted pesants have to survive there as well. drain some water in from the underground river, and BOOM, you have an forest where the slaves toil and fight.

edit: ARG! I can't seem to get it too work. I'm gonna ask that the Kila uploads it before doing anything else. I'd REALLY appreciate it. Since I can't seem to make it work.
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