much improved UI
Heyi was worried about the similarities to ATB but I figure that the system as a whole is different enough that it can't really be considered too similar... i mean,
i figure i'm safe, but there's some obvious differences.
The most obvious is that Active Time Battle is a way of determining when units have their own turn; what they do during their turn might change the time requirements for the next turn, and any animations that play during their actions pause the global timer. This is different from my system in that the timers are
always running except when the player does not have anything in their action queue, even if an action is being carried out by something; animations in my system will play out by having the action windup and wait code just sort of flip sprites around as certain time goals are met, and will not interrupt gameplay. This does not make the game more hectic; the "game pauses when player has action available" thing prevents that. But it is
stressful, in a way; you're going to have to choose tradeoffs between time-to-action, time-after-action and resource loss for every single thing you do.
Basically, the only similarity's bars. There's no real concept of
turn, except for the player. I can't say the player's timestop is a privilege compared to other units, either, when units don't have anything to do their AI function kicks in and they immediately do something else. Stopping time on the player's turn is just being fair.
(i'm liking this system i'm making because it basically makes my entire content creation workflow modding)