"Exciting" Moss Investigation:
So I found a single tile of moss when reclaiming my fort. (I forgot when I started/abandoned it, but the year of reclaim was 156.)
This sample of moss confirms that not only does moss grow on constructions, but smoothed outdoor rock as well! :O (Dolomite, in fact.) Region is Warm Mountain, no trees, no other vegetation, surroundings Wilderness.
I want to know if moss gets destroyed by heavy traffic like grass does.
To answer this question, I got the reclaim group of 70 to walk back and fort across it about fifteen times, and each time the tile was walked over about eight (?) times. That's... about 120 times the tile was walked over before I got bored, and at the end of the test the moss remained intact. So I guess it doesn't get destroyed, unless maybe moss takes 121 steps to destroy, or something.
In Adventurer Mode, moss cannot be picked up, eaten, or removed from the ground in any way. No further description of the mossy smooth dolomite could be obtained from '[l]ooking', and '[L]ooking really hard' yields the message 'Your intense search turns up nothing.'
So yeah. After two hours of
intense investigation, I have found that moss is utterly unremarkable except for being strikingly green. Also that it grows on smoothed outdoor floors. Thank you and goodnight.